• Hi

    Can you please help me optimize my module it just takes forever to execute

    i am exporting about 20 000 records and its pretty slow

    Thanks for any tips in advance

    Sub ExportGridToExcel()

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    Dim lngColCntr As Integer

    Dim strPassedString As String

    Dim lngTmpVar As Integer

    Dim intPrevRow As Integer

    Erase arrExport

    blnSomethingExported = False

    'check that to column >= to column

    If (dblGridEndRow.Value < dblGridBeginRow.Value) Or (dblGridEndColumn.Value < dblGridBeginColumn.Value) Then

    Call objGeneral.DisplayMessage(Qm.Enum.EnumMainFormNET.enumMessageType.msgtApplicationMessage, Qm.Enum.EnumMainFormNET.enumMessageSource.msgsDataBase, 60340, Me.Handle.ToInt32)

    'End Row/Column may not be greater than Begin Row/Column.

    Cursor = Cursors.Arrow

    Exit Sub

    End If

    'array to indicate if columns are hidden or not; to minimise cross process calls

    Erase ArrHiddenCol

    ReDim ArrHiddenCol(dblGridEndColumn.Value)

    intNumberOfColumnsToExport = 0

    For lngColCntr = dblGridBeginColumn.Value To dblGridEndColumn.Value

    objPassedControl.Col = lngColCntr - 1

    ArrHiddenCol(lngColCntr) = objPassedControl.ColHidden

    If chkHiddenGridCols.CheckState Then 'export all columns

    intNumberOfColumnsToExport = intNumberOfColumnsToExport + 1

    Else 'do not export hidden columns

    If Not ArrHiddenCol(lngColCntr) Then intNumberOfColumnsToExport = intNumberOfColumnsToExport + 1

    End If

    Next lngColCntr

    intNumberOfRowsToExport = dblGridEndRow.Value - dblGridBeginRow.Value + 1 'include the 0

    'intNumberOfRowsToExport = dblGridEndRow.Value - dblGridBeginRow.Value + 1 'include the 0

    ' not to go over limitof control, amount of columns

    ReDim arrExport(intArrayRows, intNumberOfColumnsToExport)

    'convert starting cell to meaningfull numbers

    If Not ValidStartingCell() Then

    Cursor = Cursors.Arrow

    Exit Sub

    End If

    If Not StartExcel() Then

    Call objGeneral.DisplayMessage(Qm.Enum.EnumMainFormNET.enumMessageType.msgtApplicationMessage, Qm.Enum.EnumMainFormNET.enumMessageSource.msgsDataBase, 60341, Me.Handle.ToInt32)

    'Application was not successfully started.

    Cursor = Cursors.Arrow

    Exit Sub

    End If

    intNextExportRowNumber = lngStartingRow

    lngEndBlockRow = 0

    lngStartBlockRow = 0

    intRowCount = 0

    intColumnCount = 0

    intTotalRowCount = 0

    intTotalRowsToWrite = 0

    blnFirstExportFlag = False

    'make sure that the block of data returned is no too big

    'a string can have approx 2 billion chars but we limit it here to a constant

    'intNumberOfRowsToExport has the number of rows to export

    objPassedControl.BlockMode = True

    objPassedControl.Col = dblGridBeginColumn.Value - 1

    objPassedControl.Col2 = dblGridEndColumn.Value - 1

    lngStartBlockRow = dblGridBeginRow.Value - 1

    If lngStartBlockRow + intArrayRows > dblGridEndRow.Value - 1 Then

    lngEndBlockRow = dblGridEndRow.Value - 1


    lngEndBlockRow = lngEndBlockRow + intArrayRows

    End If

    intPrevRow = -1

    'intTotalRowCount has then next row to be but it started with 0 so it is the

    'rows exported

    Do While intTotalRowCount < intNumberOfRowsToExport 'still more to read

    ' MsgBox(" dblGridEndRow.Value To dblGridBeginRow.Value + 1 " & dblGridEndRow.Value & " " & dblGridBeginRow.Value + 1)

    If intPrevRow = intTotalRowCount Then Exit Do

    intPrevRow = intTotalRowCount

    objPassedControl.BlockMode = True

    lngPreviousStartBlockRow = lngStartBlockRow

    objPassedControl.Row = lngStartBlockRow

    objPassedControl.Row2 = lngEndBlockRow

    lngStartBlockRow = lngEndBlockRow + 1

    If lngStartBlockRow + intArrayRows > dblGridEndRow.Value - 1 Then 'adding arrayrows amount will be too much

    lngEndBlockRow = dblGridEndRow.Value - 1


    lngEndBlockRow = lngStartBlockRow + intArrayRows

    End If

    ' If lngEndBlockRow > 400 Then

    ' Beep

    ' End If

    strPassedString = objPassedControl.Clip

    objPassedControl.BlockMode = False

    'find & remove all chr(10)'s in the string

    'the grid puts a char(10) in front of every new line or on the end of each line

    'it is captured here as on the beginning of each line

    'make sure it is removed because it makes the spreadsheet row height too big

    lngTmpVar = InStr(strPassedString, Chr(10))

    Do While lngTmpVar <> 0

    strPassedString = Mid(strPassedString, 1, lngTmpVar - 1) & Mid(strPassedString, lngTmpVar + 1)

    lngTmpVar = InStr(strPassedString, Chr(10))


    strPassedString = strPassedString & " " 'to cater for: strPassedString = Mid(strPassedString, InStr(strPassedString, Chr(13)) + 1)

    If Len(Trim(strPassedString)) = 0 Then

    intTotalRowCount = lngEndBlockRow

    End If

    lngColCntr = dblGridBeginColumn.Value

    'find first tab in string

    Do Until Len(Trim(strPassedString)) = 0

    If InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(13)) = 0 Then 'no more lines, at the last line

    If InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(9)) = 0 Then 'no more lines or tabs, busy with the last item

    'not( hidden and not export hidden rows)

    If Not (ArrHiddenCol(lngColCntr) And Not chkHiddenGridCols.CheckState) Then

    arrExport(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = FormatString(strPassedString)

    blnSomethingExported = True

    intTotalRowCount = intTotalRowCount + 1

    intTotalRowsToWrite = intTotalRowsToWrite + 1

    End If

    lngColCntr = lngColCntr + 1

    strPassedString = ""

    Else 'not busy with last item but with the last row so check for next chr(9)

    If Not (ArrHiddenCol(lngColCntr) And Not chkHiddenGridCols.CheckState) Then

    arrExport(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = FormatString(Mid(strPassedString, 1, InStr(strPassedString, Chr(9)) - 1))

    blnSomethingExported = True

    intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1

    End If

    lngColCntr = lngColCntr + 1

    strPassedString = Mid(strPassedString, InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(9)) + 1)

    End If

    Else 'there are more rows still because there is a chr(13)

    'see if hidden

    objPassedControl.Row = intTotalRowCount

    If objPassedControl.RowHidden And Not chkHiddenGridRows.CheckState Then

    'dont export, take out row

    strPassedString = Mid(strPassedString, InStr(strPassedString, Chr(13)) + 1)

    intTotalRowCount = intTotalRowCount + 1

    objPassedControl.Row = intTotalRowCount

    'if there are more chr(13)'s in the string, loop further

    'else you have the last row, determine if it is hidden or not

    ' if you do not you will increment the row and PassecControl.rowhidden will not be a valid check

    If InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(13)) <> 0 Then

    'there are more rows, continue

    Else 'has one row left, determine if it is hidden or not

    If objPassedControl.RowHidden Then strPassedString = ""

    End If


    'check if there are more chr(9)'s in the passedArray

    If InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(9)) <> 0 Then 'there are more data items separated by the chr(9)

    'see if the tab(chr(9)) or the enter(chr(13)) comes first

    If InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(9)) < InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(13)) Then 'there is another tab first

    If Not (ArrHiddenCol(lngColCntr) And Not chkHiddenGridCols.CheckState) Then

    arrExport(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = FormatString(Mid(strPassedString, 1, InStr(strPassedString, Chr(9)) - 1))

    blnSomethingExported = True

    intColumnCount = intColumnCount + 1

    End If

    lngColCntr = lngColCntr + 1

    strPassedString = Mid(strPassedString, InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(9)) + 1)

    Else 'the enter chr(13) is before the tab chr(9)

    If Not (ArrHiddenCol(lngColCntr) And Not chkHiddenGridCols.CheckState) Then

    arrExport(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = FormatString(Mid(strPassedString, 1, InStr(strPassedString, Chr(13)) - 1))

    blnSomethingExported = True

    End If

    strPassedString = Mid(strPassedString, InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(13)) + 1)

    intRowCount = intRowCount + 1

    intTotalRowCount = intTotalRowCount + 1

    intTotalRowsToWrite = intTotalRowsToWrite + 1

    intColumnCount = 0

    lngColCntr = dblGridBeginColumn.Value

    objPassedControl.Row = intTotalRowCount

    'if next row is hidden and must not be exported, remove it

    Do While objPassedControl.RowHidden And Not chkHiddenGridRows.CheckState

    strPassedString = Mid(strPassedString, InStr(strPassedString, Chr(13)) + 1)

    intTotalRowCount = intTotalRowCount + 1

    objPassedControl.Row = intTotalRowCount

    'if there are more chr(13)'s in the string, loop further

    'else you have the last row, determine if it is hidden or not

    ' if you do not you will increment the row and PassecControl.rowhidden will not be a valid check

    If InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(13)) <> 0 Then

    'there are more rows, continue


    'has one row left, determine if it is hidden or not

    If objPassedControl.RowHidden Then strPassedString = ""

    Exit Do

    End If


    End If

    Else 'there are just more chr(13)'s in the row

    If Not (ArrHiddenCol(lngColCntr) And Not chkHiddenGridCols.CheckState) Then

    arrExport(intRowCount, intColumnCount) = FormatString(Mid(strPassedString, 1, InStr(strPassedString, Chr(13)) - 1))

    blnSomethingExported = True

    End If

    strPassedString = Mid(strPassedString, InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(13)) + 1)

    intRowCount = intRowCount + 1

    intTotalRowCount = intTotalRowCount + 1

    intTotalRowsToWrite = intTotalRowsToWrite + 1

    intColumnCount = 0

    lngColCntr = dblGridBeginColumn.Value

    objPassedControl.Row = intTotalRowCount

    'if next row is hidden and must not be exported, remove it

    If Len(Trim(strPassedString)) > 0 Then

    Do While objPassedControl.RowHidden And Not chkHiddenGridRows.CheckState

    strPassedString = Mid(strPassedString, InStr(strPassedString, Chr(13)) + 1)

    intTotalRowCount = intTotalRowCount + 1

    objPassedControl.Row = intTotalRowCount

    'if there are more chr(13)'s in the string, loop further

    'else you have the last row, determine if it is hidden or not

    ' if you do not you will increment the row and objPassedControl.rowhidden will not be a valid check

    If InStr(1, strPassedString, Chr(13)) <> 0 Then

    'there are more rows, continue


    'has one row left, determine if it is hidden or not

    If objPassedControl.RowHidden Then

    strPassedString = ""

    End If

    Exit Do

    End If


    End If

    End If

    End If 'if row hidden

    End If 'if there are more rows



    If blnSomethingExported = True Then Call ExportGridDataToExcelSub()

    If (intNumberOfRowsToExport > 0) And intTotalRowCount / intNumberOfRowsToExport * 100 <= 100 Then prgExport.Value = intTotalRowCount / intNumberOfRowsToExport * 100

    'prgExport.Value = intTotalRowCount / intNumberOfRowsToExport * 100

    prgExport.Value = 0



    objXl.Range("A" & lngStartingRow + 1).Select()

    objXl.Activewindow.FreezePanes = True

    ' objXl.ActiveSheet.Range("A" & intTotalRowsToWrite + lngStartingRow + 1 & ":" & "A" & (intTotalRowsToWrite + lngStartingRow + 1) & "").Value = "Export Run By"

    ' objXl.ActiveSheet.Range("B" & intTotalRowsToWrite + lngStartingRow + 1 & ":" & "B" & (intTotalRowsToWrite + lngStartingRow + 1) & "").Value = objGeneral.UserName & " --> " & objGeneral.UserID

    ' objXl.ActiveSheet.Range("A" & intTotalRowsToWrite + lngStartingRow + 2 & ":" & "A" & (intTotalRowsToWrite + lngStartingRow + 2) & "").Value = "Export Run On"

    ' objXl.ActiveSheet.Range("B" & intTotalRowsToWrite + lngStartingRow + 2 & ":" & "B" & (intTotalRowsToWrite + lngStartingRow + 2) & "").Value = objGeneral.TodaysDate

    objXl.Visible = True

    Call objGeneral.DisplayMessage(Qm.Enum.EnumMainFormNET.enumMessageType.msgtApplicationMessage, Qm.Enum.EnumMainFormNET.enumMessageSource.msgsDataBase, 60339, Me.Handle.ToInt32, intTotalRowsToWrite.ToString)

    '~~ records successfully exported.

    objXl = Nothing


    If Err.Number <> 0 Then objGeneral.DisplayMessage(Qm.Enum.EnumMainFormNET.enumMessageType.msgtMessageBox, Qm.Enum.EnumMainFormNET.enumMessageSource.msgsResourceFile, 999, 0, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Qmuzik", Err.Number, Err.Description)

    End Sub

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