Aggregate Question

  • I need help on calculating a subtotal. The problem is Reporting Builder keeps wanting to sum the entire column. Which in most reports I would typically want. This one is a odd cat though. I only want it to sum the previous subtotals. The subtotals in the picture are sample data I'm testing. The pink bars are similar to a average for that date. The test values are all .25 for readability. They could potentially be any value.

    Is there anyway to sum based on a textbox in the table? This one has thrown me for a loop. excuse the sloppy ness its still a work in progress

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Hi,

    What you can do is nest the aggregates and specify the scope of the inner aggregate. It would look something like this:

    =Sum(Avg(Fields!GroupUnits.Value,"Service Date"))

    Hope that helps!

  • Thanks for the reply @Get me?

    I actually tried that before posting here. It gives me a scope error.

    I may try some of the custom code and see if I can get something figured out that way.

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Possibly the ability to refer to the value of a specific textbox within SSRS would help here. SUM(ReportItems!TextboxName.Value).

  • You can only aggregate Report Items in the Header and Footer. At least that's what Report Builder keeps yelling at me about.

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • I have this custom code in Report Builder, but it only returns a zero value. I don't know VB that much. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

    Public Function Lookup_Sum(ByVal value As Integer) As Integer

    Dim Total_lookup_Sum As Integer = 0

    Total_lookup_Sum = Total_lookup_Sum + value

    Return Total_lookup_Sum

    End Function

    Value I put in the cell


    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • In the spirit of "Never let the machine win"...

    Did you consider modifying the query to generate the number you need. An example

    WITH cteAverage AS




    , AVG(GroupUnits) AS DateAvg

    FROM YourTable

    GROUP BY Date


    , cteGrpTotal AS


    SELECT SUM(DateAvg) AS Total from cteAverage


    SELECT Date

    , (SELECT MAX(Total) from cteSum) AS GroupTotal

    FROM YourTable

    ORDER BY Date

    Since the GroupTotal will be the same value for all records, you can use "First" to select a value for the total textbox.

  • Ohhh, you got the juices going. Great Idea! I am going to try that, very nice:-D

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

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