group by clasue in mdx

  • Hi Friends i have small doubt in mdx query.

    table having data like below

    table name : patieninformation

    pn prcode dos ExpectedPayment

    MS0000003PT0011/2/201329.72 0

    MS0000003PT0011/21/201357.1 0

    MS0000003PT0026/7/201326.69 0

    MS0000003PT0026/7/201389.16 0

    MS0000003PT0026/6/201357.1 0

    MS0000003PT0026/7/201312.28 0

    MS0000003PT0026/7/201326.69 26.69

    MS0000003PT0026/7/201389.16 77.16

    MS0000003PT0026/17/201357.1 57.1

    Based on this table data i need to output like below

    pn prcode maxdos list of servicedays(max of dos-min of dos) Expected Payment

    MS0000003PT001 1/21/2013 19 86.82 0

    MS0000003PT002 6/17/2013 11 358.18 160.98

    maxdos means highest date based on prcode wise

    list of service days : highet date from dos-least date from dos based on prcode wise.

    i tried in sql query

    select pn,prcode ,max(dos) as maxdos, max(dos)-min(dos) as list of servicedays frOM [patientinformation] group by pn,prcode

    same way how to implement in mdx query.please tell me how to write mdx query to solve this issue

  • asranantha,

    MDX is used against OLAP sources (ie 'cubes'). You've provided no details of your cube at all, only a DB table.

    Have you built your cube yet? If so, maybe if you outline the fact and dimension tables (ie the source) and then anything you may have done with the creation of the dims and measure groups, including what your measures are, *then* you might have more luck getting a response form someone who simply writes the mdx for you.


  • Is this what you are looking for? I didn't find any cube related information in your question, so I did this in straight SQL..



    pn VARCHAR(10),

    prcode VARCHAR(10),

    dos DATE,

    Expected DECIMAL(10,2),

    Payment DECIMAL(10,2)


    INSERT INTO @Input VALUES('MS0000003', 'PT001', '1/2/2013', 29.72, 0), ('MS0000003', 'PT001', '1/21/2013', 57.1, 0)

    ,('MS0000003', 'PT002', '6/7/2013', 26.69, 0),

    ('MS0000003', 'PT002', '6/7/2013', 89.16, 0),

    ('MS0000003', 'PT002', '6/6/2013', 57.1, 0),

    ('MS0000003', 'PT002', '6/7/2013', 12.28, 0),

    ('MS0000003', 'PT002', '6/7/2013', 26.69, 26.69),

    ('MS0000003', 'PT002', '6/7/2013', 89.16, 77.16),

    ('MS0000003', 'PT002', '6/17/2013', 57.1, 57.1)



    SELECT pn, prcode, MAX(dos) AS Max_dos, MIN(dos) AS min_dos, SUM(expected) as expected, SUM(payment) AS payment

    FROM @Input

    GROUP BY pn, prcode


    SELECT, a.prcode, Max_dos, DATEDIFF(d, min_dos, max_dos) AS differnce, a.Expected, a.Payment

    FROM CTE a

    Good Luck 🙂 .. Visit for more t-sql code snippets and BI related how to articles.

  • a4apple - i think he had provided his own tsql, but is looking for an 'equivalent' in MDX. But as stated previously, he's given no details on the dims/measures that he has implemented (assuming he has implemented them) so is asking us how long is that piece of string 😀


  • Hi all, applogy to given some wrong information. Here Cube Name :Testcube....> its having measures expected,payment.

    dimensions: dimpatient: its having attribute is pn

    Dimprcode: its having attribute is prcode

    Dimdate: its having attribute is dos

    based on this attributes and measures for one pn having sample data like below

    pn prcode dos ExpectedPayment

    MS0000003PT0011/2/201329.72 0

    MS0000003PT0011/21/201357.1 0

    MS0000003PT0026/7/201326.69 0

    MS0000003PT0026/7/201389.16 0

    MS0000003PT0026/6/201357.1 0

    MS0000003PT0026/7/201312.28 0

    MS0000003PT0026/7/201326.69 26.69

    MS0000003PT0026/7/201389.16 77.16

    MS0000003PT0026/17/201357.1 57.1

    Based on this data i required output like below

    pn prcode maxdos list of servicedays(max of dos-min of dos) Expected Payment

    MS0000003PT001 1/21/2013 19 86.82 0

    MS0000003PT002 6/17/2013 11 358.18 160.98

    Please tell me how to write mdx query based on this cube .

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