Need a logic

  • i have a message table and a token table i want to search the message based on tokens

    DECLARE @message AS TABLE ([Description] VARCHAR(400))

    INSERT INTO @message([Description])


    INSERT INTO @message([Description])

    VALUES('Record already deactivated by another user')

    INSERT INTO @message([Description])

    VALUES('Record already activated by another user')

    INSERT INTO @message([Description])

    VALUES('Record already terminated by another user')

    INSERT INTO @message([Description])

    VALUES('Record already modified by another user')

    INSERT INTO @message([Description])

    VALUES('Record deactivated already by another user')

    SELECT * FROM @message

    DECLARE @Keyword AS TABLE (id int,Token VARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO @Keyword



    DECLARE @Keyword AS TABLE (id int,Token VARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO @Keyword



    i want to search the message based on the keyword table

    DECLARE @id INT =2

    SELECT * FROM @message m


    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @Keyword k

    WHERE =@id AND

    m.[Description] LIKE '%'+ k.Token+'%')

    i get the expected result, but when I gave the @id value as 1 i am expecting only the matching records

    see below

    DECLARE @id INT =1

    SELECT * FROM @message m


    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @Keyword k

    WHERE =@id AND

    m.[Description] LIKE '%'+ k.Token+'%')

    /* Expected output

    'Record already deactivated by another user'

    'Record deactivated already by another user'


    I know why it return more than two rows, may be my logic is wrong here, any other logic, or is it possible any new way ?

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  • Try this, using Full-text search:

    CREATE TABLE tblmessage (ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[Description] VARCHAR(400))

    INSERT INTO tblmessage([Description])


    INSERT INTO tblmessage([Description])

    VALUES('Record already deactivated by another user')

    INSERT INTO tblmessage([Description])

    VALUES('Record already activated by another user')

    INSERT INTO tblmessage([Description])

    VALUES('Record already terminated by another user')

    INSERT INTO tblmessage([Description])

    VALUES('Record already modified by another user')

    INSERT INTO tblmessage([Description])

    VALUES('Record deactivated already by another user')

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX PK_tblmessage_ID ON tblmessage(ID)


    CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON tblmessage([Description]) KEY INDEX PK_tblmessage_ID

    DECLARE @Keyword AS TABLE (id int,Token VARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO @Keyword


    DECLARE @id INT = 1

    DECLARE @message varchar(255)

    SELECT @message = (STUFF((SELECT ' AND ' + Token FROM @keyword WHERE ID = @id FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1,4,''))

    SELECT * FROM tblmessage m

    WHERE contains (m.[Description], @message)

    DROP TABLE tblmessage

  • Thanks for the response, well that answer was promoted by my seniors, but the trouble is we hold lots of columns in a same table, and tons of tables like this, so create full text index and maintain for all that tables and columns is a tedious and complex job, so he takes me to get a more honest answer to resolve this without using a full text index or REGEX or CLR, so on the whole I need to find a solution in TSQL, is it possible to do this kind of stuff in TSQL?

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  • Simplest way to fix this, remove the token 'already' as this appears to exist in all the messages. It doesn't make any sense to me to search for 'already' and 'deactivated' together when what you are looking for is simply 'deactivated'. You aren't looking for 'already' and 'activated' or 'already' and 'modified'.

  • Thanks for your info, those are some messages to show the user in the front end, out application is data driven that's why we have such messages in our Tables, more over we just do this for remove unwanted data in all of our Customers,

    That's only part of the data, I believe I have already told that we have dozens of tables like this

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  • Bear in mind that I don't think this is a good idea, but this should do what you want: -

    DECLARE @id INT =1;

    SELECT *

    FROM @message m



    FROM @Keyword k

    WHERE =@id





    WHERE m.[Description] LIKE '%'+ a.tokens+'%');


    Jeez, no it won't. Ordering of the tokens would cause issues. The post below by "gbritton1" looks far better.

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  • Your problem is that the token 'already' is matched by all rows in @message except the first one. So, all rows are returned except the first.

    I think that you want to only return rows where all of the tokens match. That's a harder problem. Here's one approach that does what you want:

    DECLARE @id INT =1

    SELECT m.description

    FROM @message m

    Where 0 < all (

    select patindex('%'+ k.token +'%', m.Description)

    from @keyword k

    where = @id)

  • 1. You have anerror in your keyword table, both 'already' and 'Deactivated' have id=1

    2. Like will not work as 'activated' keyword will find 'activated' and 'Deactivated'

    Solution using splitter

    SELECT m.[Description]

    FROM @message m

    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(m.[Description],' ') s

    JOIN @Keyword k ON k.Token = s.Item AND IN (1,2)

    GROUP BY m.[Description] HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT = 2

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks , but it only return one record i need both records, i think we are close to the solution, so it is possible

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  • i am also found one but it is not good even though i share it

    DECLARE @id INT =1;

    WITH CteTokens AS(

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) WordCount, Token

    FROM @Keyword WHERE id = @id


    REcursive_Cte AS(

    SELECT 1 AS WordCount, m.[Description]

    FROM @message m


    FROM CteTokens c

    WHERE m.[Description] LIKE '%'+ c.token+'%' AND c.wordcount =1)


    SELECT m.WordCount +1 AS Worcount, m.[Description]

    FROM REcursive_Cte m


    FROM CteTokens c

    WHERE m.[Description] LIKE '%'+ c.token+'%' AND c.WordCount =m.WordCount+1)


    SELECT * FROM REcursive_Cte WHERE Wordcount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @Keyword WHERE id = @id)

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  • thank you people for you time and effort, you people made my day

    Every rule in a world of bits and bytes, can be bend or eventually be broken
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  • I like the solution above from gbritton1, but nother way of doing which is probably less efficent but perhaps also easier to understand would be

    select m.description from @message m

    where not exists (select 1 from @keyword k where = @id and m.Description not like '%'+k.token+'%')


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