How to get the Page Footer and Page header from Sub report

  • I've a main report with page header and page footer and . I'm using a sub report in that which has a page header and page footer too. The page header in the main report and sub report are different. When I run the report I'm getting the page header from Main report in all the pages including the pages from sub report.

    How can I get the page header of sub report for the pages from sub report?

  • That's how it works. There is no way to have the subreport page header/footer override the main report.

    What I have done for some reports is use an expression in the main report page header/footer, which checks for a Control! item, so it can know which sub report is printed on that page, and alters it output text accordingly (or shows/hides controls). It's extremely dodgy though.

  • Cody,

    Thanks for your information. Is it not possible to have Main report header/footer on Main report pages and Sub report header/footer on Sub report pages? Is writing expression the only other way to achieve this?

    Thanks again!

  • Right.

  • Thanks!

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