How can i use the column in select statement which is there in pivot

  • Hello,

    Here is my stored procedure;I am trying to use ReimbursementTypeID column in top select statement but its showing error like multipart identifier or invalid column name..any one please help me.

    Select IsNull([34],0) as FreshFruitsAmount,IsNull([35],0) as LaborAmount,IsNull([36],0) as SmallSupplyAmount,IsNull([37],0) as AdminLabor,

    IsNull([38],0) as LargeEquipment,IsNull([53],0) as Others,SystemID


    (SELECT I.ReimbursementTypeID,

    CAST (SUM(ISNULL(I.AMOUNT,0) - ISNULL(I.OtherAmount,0)) AS NUMERIC(18,2)) AS 'invoiceamt',G.SystemID

    FROM grantsystem G

    INNER JOIN vlookups L on I.ReimbursementTypeID = L.lookupid

    WHERE G.fiscalyear=@FiscalYear AND G.SystemID = @SystemId AND I.ReimbursementTypeID IN(34,35,36,37,38,53) AND

    GROUP BY fiscalyear, G.SystemID,I.ReimbursementTypeID ) AS SourceTable



    SUM(invoiceamt) For ReimbursementTypeID in ([34],[35],[36],[37],[38],[53])

    ) as PivotTable

  • mcfarlandparkway (4/8/2014)


    Here is my stored procedure;I am trying to use ReimbursementTypeID column in top select statement but its showing error like multipart identifier or invalid column name..any one please help me.

    Select IsNull([34],0) as FreshFruitsAmount,IsNull([35],0) as LaborAmount,IsNull([36],0) as SmallSupplyAmount,IsNull([37],0) as AdminLabor,

    IsNull([38],0) as LargeEquipment,IsNull([53],0) as Others,SystemID


    (SELECT I.ReimbursementTypeID,

    CAST (SUM(ISNULL(I.AMOUNT,0) - ISNULL(I.OtherAmount,0)) AS NUMERIC(18,2)) AS 'invoiceamt',G.SystemID

    FROM grantsystem G

    INNER JOIN vlookups L on I.ReimbursementTypeID = L.lookupid

    WHERE G.fiscalyear=@FiscalYear AND G.SystemID = @SystemId AND I.ReimbursementTypeID IN(34,35,36,37,38,53) AND

    GROUP BY fiscalyear, G.SystemID,I.ReimbursementTypeID ) AS SourceTable

    PIVOT (

    SUM(invoiceamt) For ReimbursementTypeID in ([34],[35],[36],[37],[38],[53])

    ) as PivotTable

    When you pivot, the column you are pivoting on is replaced by new columns corresponding to the contents of the column. In your case those would be [34],[35],[36],[37],[38], and [53]. After pivoting, the ReimbursementTypeID is gone, but that's the whole point of pivoting in the fist place.

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses

  • Hi,

    Is there any way to sum two textboxes amount into one.

    I am using two different tables with same dataset.I need total amounts which I am getting in textbox 45 and textbox 48

    is there any to combine these two textboxes dollar amount into single using any variables ?

  • YOu can't do the sum in a pivot by itself. However, you could do pre-aggregation in a CTE or subquery then pivot the results. That might just do it for you

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