Converting calendar date into fiscal year

  • Hi

    I am in R3 SSRS and adding a new field by converting calendar date into Fiscal Year, i.e. 2014-15.

    I used a formula but I was getting an error message, such "The arguments to the following functions are not valid: CONCAT"

    Below is my formula:

    IF(MONTH(Incident Date)<4,YEAR(Incident Date)-1&"-"&RIGHT(YEAR(Incident Date),2),YEAR(Incident Date)&"-"&RIGHT(YEAR(Incident Date)+1,2))

    What could be the issue here? Greatly appreciate your assistance, thanks!


  • Here is the small code which will help you:


    SELECT @d = (SELECT Datepart("yy", Getdate()))

    SELECT Concat(@d, '-', RIGHT(@d + 1, 2))

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • converting calendar date into Fiscal Year

    The most flexible way of doing this is to create a Calendar table in your database and populate it. Then you can join in your query to the Calendar table and use any of the columns there that you need.

    Here's an article that discusses it and explains how it works.

  • Here is a SQL way to do this easily:

    declare @Date date = '20140201';

    select cast(YEAR(dateadd(month,9,@Date))-1 as varchar(4)) + '-' + cast(YEAR(dateadd(month,9,@Date)) as varchar(4))

    set @Date = '20140612';

    select cast(YEAR(dateadd(month,9,@Date))-1 as varchar(4)) + '-' + cast(YEAR(dateadd(month,9,@Date)) as varchar(4))

  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply but what I did is to create a new table that will concatenate the two period eventually, and it works:-)



  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply but what I did is to create a new table that will concatenate the two period eventually, and it works!!!;-)

  • Great thanks matey! this one works for me...:-D

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