multi-selection option control does not work

  • Hello,

    I'm developing a report project in Visual Studio 2008. I suppose this is "Report Designer" and not SSRS. However, the look and feel between the two is very similar.

    Does the multi-selection option parameter work for anyone else? It seems buggy to me. When I choose all the values in the list, the report only shows data for one of the choices.

    I have a dataset for the parameter. It selects an ID and a name from a table. Since the designer of the database used decimal values for his table keys (with no fraction defined anyplace), I also cast the decimal value into an integer field. This query looks like: select distinct staff_id, convert(int, staff_id) as staff_id_int, supervisor name from ...

    The parameter is named pSupervisor_ID. The value field is the staff_id_int field. The label is the supervisor name. "Allow multiple values" is checked. When I preview the report, the parameter field looks right.

    The detail query has a filter set. I also cast the supervisor_id as an int field. Very importantly, the filter operator is set to "In". The value of the filter is the name of the parameter: (=Parameters!pSupervisor_ID.Value(0)).

    When I run the report and choose "all" supervisors the data for only one appears in the detail. Does anyone have an idea why?


  • OK, I finally got it working. This page was invaluable:

    I changed the type of the parameter to text. Then I removed the filter on the detail dataset. Then I added a parameter in the detail dataset's properties. The expression I used is:


    Apparently, the "Join" function is what I needed. Thanks for reading.

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