Lookup and Countdistinct

  • I am trying to get records using Lookup.

    Since there are other lookup columns based on the same dataset I cannot use a select distinct in the main dataset.

    How can I get distinct rows in the expression which uses the Lookup

    Here is the Lookup

    = Lookup(Fields!device,Fields!Device1,IIF(Fields!ItemCount>0,1,0),"dataset2")

    The Lookup is fine. Whereever there is one device name which comes up with 2 counts . The row shows up twice.

    How can I get only one row with count 2.

    P.S :

    I am using sumover in my other dataset. So , I shows 1 row but when I come to report It displays two rows...

    I think we need something like distinct here.... Any advise will be appreciated.

  • Guess the Subject line is misleading : It should be Count and Distinct and not countdistinct.

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