How to update a column value based on other columns background color?

  • Can someone help out this issue? I am using SSRS 2008 R2

    I have a table

    col1 col2 ol3 col4

    row1 bg color "red" bg color "red"

    row2 no color for all three columns

    row3 bg color "red"

    I want to update col4 = 1 as long as any one of the column at the row has background color = "red". So it means I want to update col4 like:


    row1 1

    row2 0

    row3 1

    Thank you.

  • Are you conditionally setting the cells background color? Something like:

    =IIF(Fields!Amount.Value < 0, "Red", "Green")

    You could use the same type of expression to set the value of your column 4.



  • Thank you for your response.

    Yes I conditionally setting the cells background color using swich. Since there are more than 70 columns, each column has complicated condition to get background color, I would like use the color result to update this column value.

    Another question is hidding property.

    I tried to hide a row as long as any columns in this row has background color = "yellow". It doesn't work if using statement as

    IIF(fields!col1.backgroundcolor = "Yellow", true, false).

    Can you help?

    Thanks again.

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