Backup SQL server databases

  • I use SQL 2008 R2 and I would like to find a script where I can backup multiple user databases, with copy_only option and also compress the databases. So looking for all these in one single script. Does anyone have any idea about this script and please send me if you have any.

  • You will naturally need to supply some of your own values, but here is what I use: You can get rid of the final if exists, if you have no mail profile set up, but it is awfully nice to know when something fails.

    declare @dbname sysname

    declare @backupdir nvarchar(200)

    declare @fileextension nvarchar(20)

    declare @backupcommand nvarchar(1000)

    declare @init nvarchar(10)

    create table ##backuplogerrors (dbname sysname, errornumber int, errormessage varchar(200))

    set @backupdir = N'E:\MSSQL10\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\'

    set @fileextension = 'Bkup.bak'

    declare dbs cursor for select name from sys.databases where name not in ('master', 'msdb', 'tempdb')

    open dbs

    fetch next from dbs into @dbname

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @backupcommand = 'backup database [' + @dbname + '] to disk = ''' + @backupdir + @dbname + @fileextension + ''' with init'

    --select @backupcommand

    begin try

    exec (@backupcommand)

    end try

    begin catch

    insert into ##backuplogerrors (dbname, errornumber, errormessage)

    values (@dbname, error_number(), error_message())

    end catch

    fetch next from dbs into @dbname


    close dbs

    deallocate dbs

    if exists (select * from ##backuplogerrors)


    exec msdb..sp_send_dbmail @recipients = 'your email address', @query = 'select * from ##backuplogerrors', @profile_name = 'SQL Server Alerts'


    drop table ##backuplogerrors

  • Thank you... I will review it.

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