Creating new SQL login Error

  • I hope I'm posting this is the correct forum. I'm a network administrator and my SQL knowledge is very limited. Our db admin left us and now we are in a jam.

    When trying to create a new login in sql server management studio I receive the following error message:

    An object (User or Built-in security principal) with the following name cannot be found "bsmith". Check the selected object types and locations for accuracy and ensure that you have typed the object name correctly, or remove this object from the selection.

    We have been able to create new logins in the past with no issues until recently. I even try to do a search on our entire directory but return the same error message. About a month or so I moved our global catalog to a different domain controller on our network. Again, I'm very green when it comes to SQL but it seems to be the replication between SQL and AD is broke??

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!

  • There's no replication from SQL to AD. SQL Server has to query AD to verify the account.

    I'm guessing you've spelled something wrong, or you need to include the domain. Can you list exactly what you've done?

    Have you tried just a CREATE LOGIN command? If you enter the values in the GUI, before you click OK, there's a "script" button at the top. Click that and get the code. Then look at that.

  • Thank you for responding! These are the steps that I use when creating a new a login in SQL:

    1. Right click on "Logins" under "Security" and choose "New Login"

    2. In the "Login Name" box, I choose "Search"

    3. This brings up a dialog box that where I can choose to search our domain or "Entire Directory". I've added our domain name to the user (mydomain\bsmith) just in case and tried many different users. All ends in the same result.

    This is when I receive the error message. I don't get past that. We've been able to create users this way but now receive the error message when trying to do so.

    Here are is the code from the script that you suggested-

    USE [master]




    This user was created in our Windows Active Directory a month or so ago.

    Thank you again!


  • Try this, go into the local host (Windows) and try to add that user to a local group. Same spelling.

    I wonder if you have some DC/Kereberos issue between the local host and AD, or between SQL and AD. There are some rare times this flakes.

  • I was able to create the user just fine but I dug into the event viewer files and I believe you are on to something with DC\Kereberos and SQL. I'm seeing some weird NTDS Replication errors on the DC. Can you help me understand how SQL talks to or authenicates back to active directory on the DC? Again, I'm a network admin so I'm not very SQL knowledgeable but need/want to learn.

    Thank you again!

  • I'm not 100% sure. I know it uses Kerberos, and should connect to a DC. I've seen some strange issues where I've had to use DC/AD tools to reset the connection from the Windows host to AD.

    You should be able to check the secure channel to the DC (sc.exe?) and see if it's working from the host.

  • Thank you! I'll give it a try and let you know. We have a test SQL server that is on the domain that is working fine. I'm able to add logins without any errors.

    I'll try your suggestions and let you know. Again, thank you so much!

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