display columns with no data

  • Newbie..sorry, posted this somewhere else, but couldn't find it. Trying to get the PSI Outcome, Expected, and PSIIndex every month whether it has data or not. Created a CTE and left outer joined with PSI table, but it's still not pulling every month for every PSIKey. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

    Table schematics






    --define start and end limits

    Declare @todate datetime, @fromdate datetime

    Select @fromdate='2013-01-01', @todate='2013-02-01'

    ;With cte as


    Select @fromdate as Date

    union all

    Select dateadd(day, 1, Date)

    from cte da

    where Date < @todate


    select di.DivisionRegion,

    month(d.date) as month,

    year(d.Date) as Year,


    sum(p.PSIOutcome) as PSIOutcome,

    isnull(SUM(p.PSIExpected),0) as Expected,

    isnull(((sum([PSIOutcome]))/(sum ([psiexpected]))),0) as PSIIndex

    from cte d

    left outer join quality.dbo.Fact_PatientSafetyIndicators p on cast(p.DischargeDateTime as date) = d.Date

    left outer join LukesReporting.UserView.vwAccount a on a.OriginAccountId = p.VisitID

    left outer join Quality.dbo.Dim_PatientSafetyIndicators ps on ps.PSIKey = p.PSIKey

    left outer join LukesReporting.UserView.vwDivisionCode di on di.DivisionCode = a.DivisionCode

    where p.DivisionCode in ('$','1','2','{','#','L','6','t','[')

    and p.PSIKey in ('1','2','3','4' ,'5','6','7','8','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21')

    group by di.divisionregion,month(d.date),year(d.date),p.PSIKey,ps.PSIName

    order by di.divisionregion,year(d.date),month(d.date),p.PSIKey,ps.PSIName

  • you have to change your query to query first from a Calendar table of some sort, which contains all possible dates.

    then your CTE left joins to that Calendar table.

    with that in place, you'll be able to get zero totals for dates that had no data form the other tables.


    FROM CalendarTable


    ON CalendarTable.TheDate = d.Date


    there's quite a few example of it here on ssc:



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • This...

    where p.DivisionCode in ('$','1','2','{','#','L','6','t','[')

    and p.PSIKey in ('1','2','3','4' ,'5','6','7','8','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21')

    ... is turning your outer join into an inner join. Try putting those two conditions in the join predicate instead.


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