Logshipping between machines not on a domain

  • Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right topic or thread to post my concern on.

    What I am trying to do:

    Backup and Log ship from First Machine to Third Device

    Restore to Second Machine from Third Device

    Issue encountered upon setting up Log Shipping:

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Cannot open backup device '\\<ThirdMachine IP>\LogShipping\BkpFile.bak'. Operating system error 1326(Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.) (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

    What was done and the given:

    /* Devices */

    First Machine (in a domain, instanced with SQL 2005)

    Second Machine (not in domain, instanced with SQL 2005)

    Third Device (not in domain, with shared folder to store log-shipping between First and Second machines)

    Third Machine in the future would be replaced by a NAS (Network-Attached Storage)

    Has a shared folder which is visible to everyone.

    /* Logins created on the respective machines (all with same password) */




    Each of these logins were added to the windows group SQLServerMSSQLUser$<machine name>$<instance name> and were were also added to the windows groups Backup Operators, Remote Desktop Users, Replicators in each machine

    SQL Agent services on First and Second Machine instances were run using the <machine name>\JohnDoe user accounts.

    I can access the shared folder on ThirdMachine and can Read/Write files using windows explorer from FirstMachine and SecondMachine.

    Can anyone direct me to what I did wrong? or if I missed anything?

    Thanks in advance.

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