SQL server startup parameters

  • Hi,

    i'm trying to find the startup parameters for sql server 2008 and 2005 using t-sql...

    for sql 2008 R2 i was able to get the information using the below script......

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_server_registry

    Please let me know if there is any t-sql script to find the start up parameters....i would like to avoid the gui...

    Thanks in advance...

  • you can use xp_instance_regread to find the startup parameters on 2005 and 2008. the key path would have to chnage for named instances.

    DECLARE @startup VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @arg VARCHAR(10)


    SET @i = 0

    SET @startup = ''

    WHILE(@startup IS NOT NULL)


    SET @arg = 'SQLArg'+CAST(@i AS VARCHAR(2))

    SET @startup = NULL

    EXEC xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', @arg, @startup OUTPUT

    SELECT @startup

    SET @i= @i+1


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  • Thanks Bob for the response. i'm able to see the result....can i see all the startup parameters using this script ?

    with this script...

    SELECT value_name,value_data FROM sys.dm_server_registry

    i'm able to see all the values....

    please let me know

    thanks in advance

  • the query you provided will show you all registry values, not just startup parameters. you would need to add where clause to return startup parameters only.

    SELECT value_name,value_data FROM sys.dm_server_registry

    WHERE registry_key = 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.EXPRESS\MSSQLServer\Parameters'

    you can run my provided code on 2008 R2 and compare it to the results from sys.dm_server_registry. it should be returning all the startup parameters.

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  • Thanks a lot bob.

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