Issue while using SSRS Table Item in report

  • Hi I am developing report in SSRS using Table Item. I develop the report in which some fields are group fields and some are detail fields. I implement the interactive sort on group fields but when i click on the sorting buttons in runtime I am able to sort only using the first Group(in my case it is Region) and I can't sort by using state and other detail fields.

    For Eg lets consider I have

    Region State Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

    east state1 blah 1 blah 2 blah 3

    state 2 blah 1 blah 2 blah 3

    West state 1 blah 1 blah 2 blah 3

    Can any one please help in this scenerio?

  • Hi All,

    Sorry i have reposted the same question due to some confusion, please ignore this

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