Query Reporting Services subscription start time?

  • Hi All - I'm trying to gather information regarding the schedules for my subscriptions. Some of the data I need is stored in XML in the database.

    Below, I'm simply trying to retrieve the value in StartDateTime in the MatchData column from Subscriptions. However, the results return NULL for that column (even though it appears there is data present. I'm sure something is wrong with my query, so I thought I would check. ) Since I've never queried XML before I quite certain I'm not using XMLNAMESPACES right. But, here is what I tried...

    This should run against any stock installation of SSRS. Just change the name space to reflect your environment:


    ('http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/[removed]/[removed]/[removed]/[removed]' AS ns)

    SELECT s.EventType

    ,CAST(s.[MatchData] AS XML).value('(/ns:ScheduleDefinition/ns:StartDateTime)[1]', 'date') AS SubStrt

    FROM Subscriptions s

    Any help is appreciated!

  • Howdy! Sounds like you want to use the "ReportSchedule" table, too.

    Below is a query I put together a while back that I use to create a "subscriptions dashboard" report that I send to myself every morning, but it should still be useful just as a query? You can obviously lose the "S.[DeliveryExtension]" filter if so desired.

    Hopefully it helps!

    use ReportServer


    ; WITH ReportEmailsInfo AS



    S.[SubscriptionID], CONVERT(XML, N'<Root>' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), S.[ExtensionSettings]) + N'</Root>') AS X


    ReportServer.dbo.[Subscriptions] AS S WITH (NOLOCK)


    S.[DeliveryExtension] = 'Report Server Email' --only get e-mail subscriptions, not other delivery types




    , C.Name AS [ReportName]

    , CL.NAME AS LinkedParentName

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Subject"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Subject'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="TO"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_TO'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="CC"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_CC'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="BCC"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_BCC'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="ReplyTo"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_ReplyTo'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="IncludeReport"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_IncludeReport'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="IncludeLink"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_IncludeLink'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Priority"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Priority'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Comment"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Comment'

    , C.Path AS [ReportPath]

    , U1.UserName AS [ReportOwner]

    , U3.UserName AS [SubCreatedBy]

    , U2.UserName AS [SubModifiedBy]

    , S.LastStatus

    , S.LastRunTime

    , RS.*

    , SC.*

    , S.MatchData

    -- , CL.ItemID AS [ParentID]

    , [URLDirect] = 'http://YOUR_REPORTSERVER_ADDRESS/reports/pages/subscriptionproperties.aspx?itempath=' + C.[Path] + '&IsDataDriven=False&SubscriptionID=' + CAST(S.[SubscriptionID] AS VARCHAR(80)) -- URL direct to the subscription

    , [URLSubTab] = 'http://YOUR_REPORTSERVER_ADDRESS/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + C.[Path] + '&SelectedTabId=SubscriptionsTab' -- URL to the "Subscriptions" tab on the report (which can be used to delete the subscription)


    ReportEmailsInfo AS ReI

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Subscriptions] AS S ON REI.SubscriptionID=S.SubscriptionID --actual subscriptions

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Catalog] AS C ON S.[Report_OID] = C.[ItemID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[ReportSchedule] AS RS ON S.[SubscriptionID] = RS.[SubscriptionID] --Subscription Schedules

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Schedule] AS SC ON RS.[ScheduleID] = SC.[ScheduleID] --Schedules

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Catalog AS CL ON C.LinkSourceID = CL.ItemID

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U1] ON S.[OwnerID] = [U1].[UserID] -- Subscription Owner

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U2] ON S.[ModifiedByID] = [U2].[UserID] -- Subscription ModifiedBy

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U3] ON SC.[CreatedByID] = [U3].[UserID] -- Subscription CreatedBy

    --LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[ReportSchedule] AS RS2 ON RS2.ReportID = C.LinkSourceID AND C.LinkSourceID IS NOT NULL

    ORDER BY LinkedParentName, ReportName



  • That is exactly what I needed! Thanks alot for that query.

  • Actually, I just realized that the URL stuff is old, and working for only SSRS 2005. Here is a new version that includes direct URL links in the SSRS 2008R2 format.

    I also added some case statements that translates some of the scheduling numbers into day/month names.

    Glad this worked for you, happy I could help!

    use ReportServer


    ; WITH ReportEmailsInfo AS



    S.[SubscriptionID], CONVERT(XML, N'<Root>' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), S.[ExtensionSettings]) + N'</Root>') AS X


    ReportServer.dbo.[Subscriptions] AS S WITH (NOLOCK)


    -- S.[DeliveryExtension] = 'Report Server Email' --only get e-mail subscriptions, not other delivery types


    , CTE_DataMinusURLs AS




    , S.Description AS SubscriptionName

    , CASE WHEN S.DataSettings IS NULL

    THEN 'False'

    ELSE 'True' END AS DataDriven

    , S.DataSettings AS DataDrivenReportSettings

    , RS.ReportID

    , C.Name AS [ReportName]

    , S.LastStatus

    --, C.SubType

    , CL.NAME AS LinkedParentName

    , S.DeliveryExtension

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Subject"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Subject'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="TO"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_TO'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="CC"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_CC'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="BCC"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_BCC'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="ReplyTo"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_ReplyTo'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="IncludeReport"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_IncludeReport'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="IncludeLink"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_IncludeLink'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Priority"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Priority'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Comment"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Comment'

    , C.Path AS [ReportPath]

    , U1.UserName AS [ReportOwner]

    , U3.UserName AS [SubCreatedBy]

    , U2.UserName AS [SubModifiedBy]

    --, S.LastRunTime

    -- , SC.ScheduleID

    , case when sc.eventtype <>'SharedSchedule' then 'Report-specific' else sc.Name end as Schedule_Name

    , SC.StartDate as Schedule_StartDate

    , SC.NextRunTime as Schedule_NextRunTime

    , SC.LastRunTime AS Schedule_LastRunTime

    --, SC.LastRunStatus AS Schedule_LastRunStatus

    , SC.EndDate as Schedule_EndDate

    , CASE

    when SC.recurrencetype = 1 then 'One-off'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 2 then 'Hourly'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 4 then 'Daily'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 5 then 'Monthly'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 6 then 'Month-Week' END AS Schedule_RecurrenceType

    , SC.MinutesInterval

    , SC.DaysInterval

    , SC.WeeksInterval

    , CASE

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 1 THEN 'Sun'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 2 THEN 'Mon'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 4 THEN 'Tue'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 8 THEN 'Wed'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 16 THEN 'Thu'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 32 THEN 'Fri'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 64 THEN 'Sat'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 62 THEN 'Mon-Fri'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 10 THEN 'Mon AND Wed'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 127 THEN 'All Days'

    END AS DaysOfWeek

    , case when SC.DaysOfMonth = 1 then '1'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 2 then '2'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 4 then '3'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 8 then '4'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 16 then '5'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 32 then '6'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 64 then '7'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 128 then '8'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 256 then '9'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 512 then '10'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 1024 then '11'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 2048 then '12'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 4096 then '13'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 8192 then '14'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 16384 then '15'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 32768 then '16'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 65536 then '17'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 131072 then '18'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 262144 then '19'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 524288 then '20'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 1048576 then '21'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 2097152 then '22'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 4194304 then '23'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 8388608 then '24'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 16777216 then '25'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 33554432 then '26'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 67108864 then '27'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 134217728 then '28'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 268435456 then '29'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 536870912 then '30'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 1073741824 then '31'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 8193 then '1st and 14th day'

    end as DaysOfMonth

    , case

    when SC.Month = 4095 then 'Every Month'

    when SC.Month = 585 then 'Jan,April,July,October (Quarterly)'

    when SC.Month = 1 then 'Jan'

    when SC.Month = 2 then 'Feb'

    when SC.Month = 4 then 'Mar'

    when SC.Month = 8 then 'Apr'

    when SC.Month = 16 then 'May'

    when SC.Month = 32 then 'Jun'

    when SC.Month = 64 then 'Jul'

    when SC.Month = 128 then 'Aug'

    when SC.Month = 256 then 'Sep'

    when SC.Month = 512 then 'Oct'

    when SC.Month = 1024 then 'Nov'

    when SC.Month = 2048 then 'Dec' end as Month

    , SC.MonthlyWeek

    , SC.State

    , SC.EventType

    --, S.MatchData

    -- , CL.ItemID AS [ParentID]

    -- this is the OLD form for SSRS 2005

    -- , [URLDirect] = 'http://reports.tcsedsystem.edu/reports/pages/subscriptionproperties.aspx?itempath=' + C.[Path] + '&IsDataDriven=False&SubscriptionID=' + CAST(S.[SubscriptionID] AS VARCHAR(80)) -- URL direct to the subscription

    -- , [URLSubTab] = 'http://reports.tcsedsystem.edu/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + C.[Path] + '&SelectedTabId=SubscriptionsTab' -- URL to the "Subscriptions" tab on the report (which can be used to delete the subscription)


    ReportEmailsInfo AS ReI

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Subscriptions] AS S ON REI.SubscriptionID=S.SubscriptionID --actual subscriptions

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Catalog] AS C ON S.[Report_OID] = C.[ItemID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[ReportSchedule] AS RS ON S.[SubscriptionID] = RS.[SubscriptionID] --Subscription Schedules

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Schedule] AS SC ON RS.[ScheduleID] = SC.[ScheduleID] --Schedules

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Catalog AS CL ON C.LinkSourceID = CL.ItemID

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U1] ON S.[OwnerID] = [U1].[UserID] -- Subscription Owner

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U2] ON S.[ModifiedByID] = [U2].[UserID] -- Subscription ModifiedBy

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U3] ON SC.[CreatedByID] = [U3].[UserID] -- Subscription CreatedBy

    --LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[ReportSchedule] AS RS2 ON RS2.ReportID = C.LinkSourceID AND C.LinkSourceID IS NOT NULL



    -- new URL link form for SSRS 2008R2

    , [URLDirect] =

    CASE WHEN DMU.DataDriven = 'False'


    'http://chi-crmsql01/reports/pages/subscriptionproperties.aspx?itempath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&IsDataDriven='+ DMU.DataDriven + '&SubscriptionID=' + CAST(DMU.[SubscriptionID] AS VARCHAR(80)) -- URL direct to the subscription


    'http://chi-crmsql01/reports/pages/subscriptionproperties.aspx?itempath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&IsDataDriven='+ DMU.DataDriven + '&SubscriptionID=' + CAST(DMU.[SubscriptionID] AS VARCHAR(80)) +

    '&RedirectUrl=' + 'http://chi-crmsql01/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&SelectedTabId=PropertiesTab&SelectedSubTabId=SubscriptionsTab' -- URL direct to the subscription


    , [URLSubTab] = 'http://chi-crmsql01/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&SelectedTabId=PropertiesTab&SelectedSubTabId=SubscriptionsTab' -- URL to the "Subscriptions" tab on the report (which can be used to delete the subscription)


    ORDER BY LinkedParentName, ReportName

  • Actually, upon even further reflection, I decided I didn't like how the days/weekdays/months were represented as a sum of powers of 2, so I wrote a few more things that split everything apart and present it in a completely human-readable CSV format. I hope there wasn't some dictionary table I missed somewhere that could do this for me 🙂

    The URL formats are still for 2008, but I left the 2005 formats in there commented out, should you want them; it's easy enough to swap out.

    Don't forget to change your server name variable!



    DECLARE @ServerName varchar(50)

    SET @ServerName = 'chi-crmsql01'


    WITH CTE_MonthList

    AS (

    SELECT sc.scheduleid

    , Numbers.N-1 AS Num

    , sc.Month & POWER(2, Numbers.N-1) AS bits

    FROM Reportserver.dbo.Schedule AS sc

    CROSS JOIN ztools.dbo.Tally AS Numbers -- or whatever your Tally/numbers table is called

    WHERE Numbers.N between 1 AND 13 -- or however many bits you need

    --AND sc.Month IS NOT NULL --which means it's not used




    AS (

    SELECT sc.scheduleid

    , Numbers.N-1 AS Num

    , sc.DaysOfMonth & POWER(cast(2 AS BIGINT), Numbers.N-1) AS bits

    FROM Reportserver.dbo.Schedule AS sc

    CROSS JOIN ztools.dbo.Tally AS Numbers -- or whatever your Tally/numbers table is called

    WHERE Numbers.N between 1 AND 32 -- or however many bits you need

    --AND sc.DaysOfMonth IS NOT NULL --which means it's not used




    AS (

    SELECT sc.scheduleid

    , Numbers.N-1 AS Num

    , sc.DaysOfWeek & POWER(2, Numbers.N-1) AS bits

    FROM Reportserver.dbo.Schedule AS sc

    CROSS JOIN ztools.dbo.Tally AS Numbers -- or whatever your Tally/numbers table is called

    WHERE Numbers.N between 1 AND 8 -- or however many bits you need

    --AND sc.DaysOfMonth IS NOT NULL --which means it's not used




    AS (

    SELECT d1.scheduleid

    , DaysOfMonth = substring((

    SELECT (', ' + cast(num + 1 AS VARCHAR(2)))

    FROM CTE_DaysList AS d2

    WHERE d1.scheduleid = d2.scheduleid

    AND bits <> 0

    ORDER BY ScheduleID

    , num

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ), 3, 1000)

    , Months = substring(( --create CSV list for the various months

    SELECT (', ' + CASE NUM + 1

    WHEN 1THEN 'January'

    WHEN 2THEN 'February'

    WHEN 3THEN 'March'

    WHEN 4THEN 'April'

    WHEN 5THEN 'May'

    WHEN 6THEN 'June'

    WHEN 7THEN 'July'

    WHEN 8THEN 'August'

    WHEN 9THEN 'September'

    WHEN 10 THEN 'October'

    WHEN 11 THEN 'November'

    WHEN 12 THEN 'December'



    FROM CTE_MonthList AS m2

    WHERE m1.scheduleid = m2.scheduleid

    AND bits <> 0

    ORDER BY ScheduleID

    , num

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ), 3, 1000)

    , DaysOfWeek = substring(( --create CSV list for the weekdays

    SELECT (', ' + CASE NUM + 1

    WHEN 1THEN 'Sunday'

    WHEN 2THEN 'Monday'

    WHEN 3THEN 'Tuesday'

    WHEN 4THEN 'Wednesday'

    WHEN 5THEN 'Thursday'

    WHEN 6THEN 'Friday'

    WHEN 7THEN 'Saturday'



    FROM CTE_WeekdayList AS w2

    WHERE w1.scheduleid = w2.scheduleid

    AND bits <> 0

    ORDER BY ScheduleID

    , num

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ), 3, 1000)

    FROM CTE_DaysList AS d1

    JOIN CTE_MonthList as m1

    ON d1.ScheduleID=m1.ScheduleID

    JOIN CTE_WeekdayList as w1

    ON d1.ScheduleID = w1.ScheduleID

    GROUP BY d1.ScheduleID, m1.ScheduleID, w1.ScheduleID


    , ReportEmailsInfo AS



    S.[SubscriptionID], CONVERT(XML, N'<Root>' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), S.[ExtensionSettings]) + N'</Root>') AS X


    ReportServer.dbo.[Subscriptions] AS S WITH (NOLOCK)


    -- S.[DeliveryExtension] = 'Report Server Email' --only get e-mail subscriptions, not other delivery types


    , CTE_DataMinusURLs AS




    , S.Description AS SubscriptionName

    , CASE WHEN S.DataSettings IS NULL

    THEN 'False'

    ELSE 'True' END AS DataDriven

    , S.DataSettings AS DataDrivenReportSettings

    , RS.ReportID

    , C.Name AS [ReportName]

    , S.LastStatus

    --, C.SubType

    , CL.NAME AS LinkedParentName

    , S.DeliveryExtension

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Subject"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Subject'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="TO"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_TO'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="CC"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_CC'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="BCC"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_BCC'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="ReplyTo"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_ReplyTo'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="IncludeReport"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_IncludeReport'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="IncludeLink"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_IncludeLink'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Priority"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Priority'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Comment"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Comment'

    , C.Path AS [ReportPath]

    , U1.UserName AS [ReportOwner]

    , U3.UserName AS [SubCreatedBy]

    , U2.UserName AS [SubModifiedBy]

    --, S.LastRunTime

    -- , SC.ScheduleID

    , case when sc.eventtype <>'SharedSchedule' then 'Report-specific' else sc.Name end as Schedule_Name

    , SC.StartDate as Schedule_StartDate

    , SC.NextRunTime as Schedule_NextRunTime

    , SC.LastRunTime AS Schedule_LastRunTime

    --, SC.LastRunStatus AS Schedule_LastRunStatus

    , SC.EndDate as Schedule_EndDate

    , CASE

    when SC.recurrencetype = 1 then 'One-off'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 2 then 'Hourly'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 4 then 'Daily'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 5 then 'Monthly'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 6 then 'Month-Week' END AS Schedule_RecurrenceType

    , SC.MinutesInterval

    , SC.DaysInterval

    , SC.WeeksInterval

    , CASE

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 127 THEN 'Every Weekday'


    ELSE RCE.DaysOfWeek

    END AS DaysOfWeek

    , CASE

    WHEN SC.DaysOfMonth = POWER( CAST(2 as BIGINT), 28) - 1

    THEN '1-28'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfMonth = POWER( CAST(2 as BIGINT), 29) - 1

    THEN '1-29'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfMonth = POWER( CAST(2 AS BIGINT), 30) - 1

    THEN '1-30'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfMonth = POWER( CAST(2 AS BIGINT), 31) - 1

    THEN '1-31'


    ELSE RCE.DaysOfMonth

    END AS DaysOfMonth

    --, SC.DaysOfMonth as RawDays

    , CASE

    WHEN SC.Month = 4095

    THEN 'Every Month'



    ELSE RCE.Months

    END AS Month

    --, SC.Month as rawMonth

    , SC.MonthlyWeek

    , SC.State

    , SC.EventType

    --, S.MatchData

    -- , CL.ItemID AS [ParentID]

    -- this is the OLD form for SSRS 2005

    -- , [URLDirect] = 'http://reports.somewebsitename.com/reports/pages/subscriptionproperties.aspx?itempath=' + C.[Path] + '&IsDataDriven=False&SubscriptionID=' + CAST(S.[SubscriptionID] AS VARCHAR(80)) -- URL direct to the subscription

    -- , [URLSubTab] = 'http://reports.somewebsitename.com/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + C.[Path] + '&SelectedTabId=SubscriptionsTab' -- URL to the "Subscriptions" tab on the report (which can be used to delete the subscription)


    ReportEmailsInfo AS ReI

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Subscriptions] AS S ON REI.SubscriptionID=S.SubscriptionID --actual subscriptions

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Catalog] AS C ON S.[Report_OID] = C.[ItemID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[ReportSchedule] AS RS ON S.[SubscriptionID] = RS.[SubscriptionID] --Subscription Schedules

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Schedule] AS SC ON RS.[ScheduleID] = SC.[ScheduleID] --Schedules

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Catalog AS CL ON C.LinkSourceID = CL.ItemID

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U1] ON S.[OwnerID] = [U1].[UserID] -- Subscription Owner

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U2] ON S.[ModifiedByID] = [U2].[UserID] -- Subscription ModifiedBy

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U3] ON SC.[CreatedByID] = [U3].[UserID] -- Subscription CreatedBy

    LEFT OUTER JOIN CTE_ReadableCalendarEntities AS RCE ON SC.ScheduleID = RCE.ScheduleID

    --LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[ReportSchedule] AS RS2 ON RS2.ReportID = C.LinkSourceID AND C.LinkSourceID IS NOT NULL



    -- new URL link form for SSRS 2008R2

    , [URLDirect] =

    CASE WHEN DMU.DataDriven = 'False'


    'http://' + @ServerName + '/reports/pages/subscriptionproperties.aspx?itempath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&IsDataDriven='+ DMU.DataDriven + '&SubscriptionID=' + CAST(DMU.[SubscriptionID] AS VARCHAR(80)) -- URL direct to the subscription


    'http://' + @ServerName + '/reports/pages/subscriptionproperties.aspx?itempath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&IsDataDriven='+ DMU.DataDriven + '&SubscriptionID=' + CAST(DMU.[SubscriptionID] AS VARCHAR(80)) +

    '&RedirectUrl=' + 'http://' + @ServerName + '/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&SelectedTabId=PropertiesTab&SelectedSubTabId=SubscriptionsTab' -- URL direct to the subscription


    , [URLSubTab] = 'http://' + @ServerName + '/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&SelectedTabId=PropertiesTab&SelectedSubTabId=SubscriptionsTab' -- URL to the "Subscriptions" tab on the report (which can be used to delete the subscription)


    ORDER BY LinkedParentName, ReportName

  • Thanks again on this. This is the closest thing seen anywhere regarding an SSRS monitoring query to end all others. Really good stuff.

  • I used a table variable for the tally table in Eric Muller's code. It seemed simpler than creating a permanent table of numbers. I added the following at the top of your query. Otherwise I thought the query was very useful. Much easier than writing all that myself.

    declare @Numbers as Table (N int)

    declare @i int

    SET @i = 1

    while @i <= 32


    insert into @Numbers

    select @i

    set @i=@i+1


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