How to convert binary file to text file in ssis package

  • How to convert binary file to text file in ssis package and i want to load it into the table.

  • sagar.gadwe (6/21/2013)

    How to convert binary file to text file in ssis package and i want to load it into the table.

    As far as I know, binary files would make no sense as text files - why are you trying to do this? What file types are you trying to 'convert'?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • I guess it depends on what is actually in the files

    Whilst not quite what is described here, I've seen a situation before where an RTF file was being stored in a database in an image field...if you cast it as varbinary and then cast it again as varchar, you got the original text complete with RTF markup tags

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