Can two different databases share the same Report Service/Report Manager, and the same reportserver database?

  • Hi,

    I have a SQL 2008 R2 server which already set up a report manger. Current the report manager has a data sources and report folders for a one database1 application. Now I am planing to implement second database2 to the same SQL server. Can I use the same report server/report manger, and reportserver database to hold both of database1 and database2 reports? Of course I will create different data source folder, and different reprot folders.

    If I can , is there anything specifically I should pay attentions?

    Any suggestion or idea is much appreciated.

    Thanks a lot.

  • You can definitely do what you are wanting to do.

    A single report services instances can be used to run reports that access databases on pretty much any server you want provided that you have the appropriate drivers installed on the server. So, multiple databases on the same database server - easy.

    All you need to create the datasources for each database and the reports that use them.

  • Thank you so much, HappyCat59.

    You answered my question. 🙂

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