Passing Multiple Values As Parameters to get Multiple Columns with Comma Seperation(MSSQL)

  • Create procedure temp


    @MID smallint




    select TranID,

    [MonthValue]=(CASE WHEN @MID=1 THEN Jan

    WHEN @MID=2 THEN Feb

    WHEN @MID=3 THEN Mar

    WHEN @MID=4 THEN Apr

    WHEN @MID=5 THEN May

    WHEN @MID=6 THEN Jun

    WHEN @MID=7 THEN Jul



    TblTran as M

    where TranID=1 and

    M.Month = @MID


    This is a stored procedure with a parameter @MID that i'm using to generate a report using SSRS.

    If a single value is passed to the parameter it works fine.

    For example-

    Transaction Table

    TranID | Apr | May | Jun | Jul

    1 | 50 | 30 | 11 | 30

    2 | 51 | 39 | 100 | 30

    if i execute with

    Exec 4

    the result is what i expect

    TranID | MonthValue

    1 | 50 **-- ie Aprils value**

    But I need to pass multiple values to the parameter


    exec 4,5,6

    and desired result should be

    TranID | MonthValue

    1 | 50,30,11 ***-->Comma Separated values of columns

    how can i acheive result like this??

  • Hi vsts dev,

    SQL is a relational database. With that said, you should try to work with sets of data, not strings.

    The solution below uses table value parameter to a stored procedure. This could be a function if you wanted.

    The trick is to set the input table with three rows (4, 5, 6) for apr, may, and jun.

    The stored procedure creates a dynamic SQL statement using the PIVOT command to make rows columns.

    (3 row(s) affected)

    the_trans_id apr may jun

    ------------ ----------- ----------- -----------

    1 50 30 11

    2 51 39 100

    The result is a relational set (table).

    If you wanted to do other things like filter by trans_id, convert it to a table value function.

    Good luck.




    -- Sample code


    -- Assumes you have a test database

    use test;


    -- Temp table - transactions

    create table trans


    the_trans_id int,

    the_month_id int,

    the_value int,


    -- Insert data - transactions

    insert into trans values

    (1, 4, 50),

    (1, 5, 30),

    (1, 6, 11),

    (1, 7, 30),

    (2, 4, 51),

    (2, 5, 39),

    (2, 6, 100),

    (2, 7, 30);

    -- Show data - transactions

    select * from trans;

    -- Create table input type

    create type my_table_input as table


    the_month_id int



    -- Create stored procedure with (table value parameter)

    alter procedure dbo.usp_data_by_month_list

    --create procedure dbo.usp_data_by_month_list

    @var_tvp my_table_input READONLY


    -- Show not count

    set nocount on;

    -- local variables

    declare @var_cnt int;

    declare @var_stmt nvarchar(max) = '';

    declare @var_months1 varchar(max);

    declare @var_months2 varchar(max);

    declare @var_months3 varchar(3);

    -- set to defaults

    select @var_cnt = 1;

    select @var_stmt = '';

    select @var_months1 = '';

    select @var_months2 = '';

    select @var_months3 = '';

    -- make up list

    while (@var_cnt < 13)


    -- get a column alias

    select @var_months3 = '';

    if exists (select * from @var_tvp v where v.the_month_id = @var_cnt)


    select @var_months3 =



    when @var_cnt = 1 then 'jan'

    when @var_cnt = 2 then 'feb'

    when @var_cnt = 3 then 'mar'

    when @var_cnt = 4 then 'apr'

    when @var_cnt = 5 then 'may'

    when @var_cnt = 6 then 'jun'

    when @var_cnt = 7 then 'jul'

    when @var_cnt = 8 then 'aug'

    when @var_cnt = 9 then 'sep'

    when @var_cnt = 10 then 'oct'

    when @var_cnt = 11 then 'nov'

    when @var_cnt = 12 then 'dec'

    else 'unk'




    -- just values

    if exists (select * from @var_tvp v where v.the_month_id = @var_cnt)

    select @var_months1 = @var_months1 + '[' + replace(convert(varchar(2), @var_cnt), ' ', '') + '] as [' + @var_months3 + '], ';

    -- rename to months

    if exists (select * from @var_tvp v where v.the_month_id = @var_cnt)

    select @var_months2 = @var_months2 + '[' + replace(convert(varchar(2), @var_cnt), ' ', '') + '], ';

    -- increment counter

    select @var_cnt = @var_cnt + 1;


    -- remove last comma - 1

    if (len(@var_months1) > 2)

    select @var_months1 = left(@var_months1, len(@var_months1) - 1);

    -- remove last comma - 2

    if (len(@var_months2) > 2)

    select @var_months2 = left(@var_months2, len(@var_months2) - 1);

    -- create dynamic pivot stmt

    select @var_stmt = @var_stmt + 'select [the_trans_id], ' + @var_months1 + ' FROM ';

    select @var_stmt = @var_stmt + '(SELECT [the_trans_id], [the_month_id], [the_value] from [trans]) AS [SourceTable] ';

    select @var_stmt = @var_stmt + 'PIVOT ( ';

    select @var_stmt = @var_stmt + 'avg([the_value]) ';

    select @var_stmt = @var_stmt + 'FOR [the_month_id] IN ( ' + @var_months2 + ') ';

    select @var_stmt = @var_stmt + ') AS [PivotTable]';

    -- debugging line

    --print @var_stmt;

    -- execute

    execute sp_executesql @var_stmt;


    -- Call the stored procedure

    declare @var_local my_table_input;

    insert into @var_local values (4), (5), (6);

    execute dbo.usp_data_by_month_list @var_local;

    John Miner
    Crafty DBA

  • If you can't use a table valued parameter you can pass a list of values and then create a "splitter" function that turns that list into a set of data that you can then JOIN on. You should check out this article[/url].

  • (4/5/2013)

    But I need to pass multiple values to the parameter


    exec 4,5,6

    and desired result should be

    TranID | MonthValue

    1 | 50,30,11 ***-->;Comma Separated values of columns

    how can i acheive result like this??

    I noticed that the above part of the OPs question was never answered. As Jack Corbett suggested, you just need a good splitter and the code becomes simple.

    Here's the test data I used.

    DROP TABLE dbo.TblTran

    SELECT TranID, Month, MonthValue

    INTO dbo.TblTran

    FROM (

    SELECT 1, 4, 50 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 5, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 6, 11 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 7, 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 4, 51 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 5, 39 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 6, 100 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 7, 30

    ) d (TranID, Month, MonthValue)


    Stored procedures are a real PITA if you want to use their data for something else so I made this as an iTVF (Inline Table Valued Function).

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SomeFunctionName

    (@MonthsCSV VARCHAR(100))



    WITH cteGetData AS


    SELECT t.TranID

    , t.Month

    , t.MonthValue

    FROM dbo.TblTran t

    JOIN dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@MonthsCSV,',') split

    ON t.Month = split.Item


    SELECT c1.TranID

    , MonthValues =



    SELECT ',' + CAST(MonthValue AS VARCHAR(10))

    FROM cteGetData c2

    WHERE c2.TranID = c1.TranID

    ORDER BY c2.[Month]

    FOR XML PATH('')



    FROM cteGetData c1

    GROUP BY c1.TranID


    Then you can call it like the following:

    SELECT * FROM dbo.SomeFunctionName('4,5,6');

    That returns the desired answer:

    TranID MonthValues

    ----------- ------------

    1 50,30,11

    2 51,39,100

    As a bit of a sidebar, please consider not abbreviating names nor using reserved words like "Month" for names of objects or columns. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • j.miner (4/8/2013)

    select @var_months3 =



    when @var_cnt = 1 then 'jan'

    when @var_cnt = 2 then 'feb'

    when @var_cnt = 3 then 'mar'

    when @var_cnt = 4 then 'apr'

    when @var_cnt = 5 then 'may'

    when @var_cnt = 6 then 'jun'

    when @var_cnt = 7 then 'jul'

    when @var_cnt = 8 then 'aug'

    when @var_cnt = 9 then 'sep'

    when @var_cnt = 10 then 'oct'

    when @var_cnt = 11 then 'nov'

    when @var_cnt = 12 then 'dec'

    else 'unk'



    Just as a suggestion... please consider the following which takes a whole lot less typing and is twice as fast when running.

    SELECT @var_months3 = CONVERT(CHAR(3),DATEADD(mm,@var_cnt-1,0),100);

    For proof of the performance pudding, please see the following article.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Hi Jeff,

    Good suggestion on using the date add + convert instead of a case statement.

    Thanks for the advice.


    John Miner
    Crafty DBA

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