Basic CASE Statement in Cascading parameterized report

  • Hi All,

    Writing a small CASE statement that in SQL Server. Below is what I'm try to accomplish.

    If the user selects 'MAC' as the input parameter in the report, SSRS should use below query.


    SELECT NetworkName, SampleTime, [Max] FROM vinny..PerfData_CPUServerView (nolock)

    Where NetworkName in (@ServerName)

    And SampleTime >= @StartDateTime and SampleTime <= CONVERT(date, DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDateTime), 101)

    Order by SampleTime asc


    Else it should this query.


    select NetowrkName.SnapshotTime, ProcessUsePct from vinny..SqlResourceUseHistoricView (NOLOCK)

    Where B.NetworkName in (@ServerName)

    And Snapshottime >= @StartDateTime and SnapshotTime <= CONVERT(date, DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDateTime), 101)

    Order by SnapshotTime asc


    I tried IF ELSE statement but SSRS is not giving results for cascading parameterized reports.

    Please help...

  • Below is what I came up with. Please help me get the right one. I'm getting NULL when i run it.

    DECLARE @ApplicationName Varchar(50) = 'Informatica'

    DECLARE @EnvironmentName Varchar(50) = 'UAT'

    DECLARE @ServerName Varchar(50) = 'TK5BIINFMAPPE02'

    DECLARE @StartDateTime DateTime = '2013-03-12 00:00:00.000'

    DECLARE @EndDateTime Datetime = '2013-03-29 00:00:00.000'

    DECLARE @Statement varchar(max)

    Select @Statement = ('select NetworkName,SnapshotTime, ProcessUsePct from ')

    SELECT @Statement = @Statement +


    when @ApplicationName = 'Informatica' Then ' vinny..PerfData_CPUServerView (NOLOCK) Where B.NetworkName in (@ServerName) And Snapshottime >= @StartDateTime and SnapshotTime <= CONVERT(date, DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDateTime), 101) Order by SnapshotTime asc'

    when @ApplicationName = 'Velocity' Then ' vinny..SqlResourceUseHistoricView (NOLOCK) Where B.NetworkName in (@ServerName) And Snapshottime >= @StartDateTime and SnapshotTime <= CONVERT(date, DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDateTime), 101) Order by SnapshotTime asc'

    when @ApplicationName = 'MSCloud' Then ' vinny..SqlResourceUseHistoricView (NOLOCK) Where B.NetworkName in (@ServerName) And Snapshottime >= @StartDateTime and SnapshotTime <= CONVERT(date, DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDateTime), 101) Order by SnapshotTime asc'

    when @ApplicationName = 'OA' Then ' vinny..SqlResourceUseHistoricView (NOLOCK) Where B.NetworkName in (@ServerName) And Snapshottime >= @StartDateTime and SnapshotTime <= CONVERT(date, DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDateTime), 101) Order by SnapshotTime asc'


    Exec @Statement

    Select @Statement

  • Basically what I'm trying to achieve is, Based on selected parameter of the report, Query used should change.

    I have only 2 Queries.

    Query1 should be used when @ApplciaitonName 'Informatica' is selected

    and Queriy2 should be used for rest of all @ApplicationNames

    Please do help.

  • so

    IF @ApplicationName = 'MAC'


    SELECT NetworkName, SampleTime, [Max] FROM vinny..PerfData_CPUServerView (nolock)

    Where NetworkName in (@ServerName)

    And SampleTime >= @StartDateTime and SampleTime <= CONVERT(date, DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDateTime), 101)

    Order by SampleTime asc




    select NetowrkName.SnapshotTime, ProcessUsePct from vinny..SqlResourceUseHistoricView (NOLOCK)

    Where B.NetworkName in (@ServerName)

    And Snapshottime >= @StartDateTime and SnapshotTime <= CONVERT(date, DATEADD(dd, 1, @EndDateTime), 101)

    Order by SnapshotTime asc


    Didn't work for you?

  • Never mind I just saw your other post...

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