Only one column not extracting from Excel source

  • I am trying to extract the data out of an excel file with 3 columns Success, Failure and Waiting. The data from Success and Failure is getting extracted perfectly, but no data is being extracted from the excel file. The data types of source and destination are matching. I tried different file with the same structure..but still no data is being extracted from the Waiting column.

    Can anyone please help.

    Thank you!!

  • Help pls guys..

  • Hi rockstar283,

    Can you make sure mapping is done correctly?

    I am sure you might have done this, but still, wanted to recheck.


    Satish Chandra

  • Yup mapping is good..datatypes are good..checked the data in data viewer and see data for other columns but not for this column 🙁

  • Does the Waiting column have mixed data types, some numeric, some text? You many be running into an issue where SSIS thinks the data should be one type and in reality it is not.

    Maybe check out:

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