Alter Report Server Collation?

  • The sp_Blitz script alerted us to a collation mismatch (SQL 2008 R2). Most of the user databases on this server, including tempdb are SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, but ReportServer and ReportServerTemp are Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS.

    We're not going to depart from the vendor spec by changing the user DB collations, so if we changed the ReportServer collations to match the user dbs, will this improve reporting performace, break SSRS, or have little effect?

  • Break SSRS, the install creates the DB's in that collation so the app must need it in that collation, so I wouldn't change it.

    Its not going to cause you any issues as you shouldnt be altering or creating objects in side the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases.

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