Change Chart/Legend Colors

  • Hi guys,

    I really need your help on this as I'm doing a presentation soon.

    I have a chart which uses this expr. to color the chart:

    =IIF(Fields!OTIF___Request_Date.Value < 95, "DodgerBlue", "LawnGreen")

    This works great, but the chart legend below the chart shows just LawnGreen in the little colorsquare together with the legend text. Even when the chart is both DodgerBlue and lawnGreen (both above 95 and below 95). Is there anyway to manipulate the Chart legend by using an expr. or something and be able to show both colors in the little Colorsquare. It's a bit misleading only to show the LawnGreen.

    Hope it make sense..


  • Very interesting question. I ever considered that this is not a hard problem with the chart control legend when I see the title, since I am familiar with the chart UI component. However, after I read this question, I am also curious about the good solution.

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