How to register SPN in domain account?

  • I got following error in command prompt



    1. setspn -A MSSQLSvc/ domain account name

    Note: The same domain account name running in both MSSQLSERVER, AGENT services, after installation SQL Service account changed.

    C:\Users\ananda>setspn -A MSSQLSvc/ domain account name

    Registering ServicePrincipalNames for CN=domain account name



    Failed to assign SPN on account 'CN=domain account name

    ,OU=SERVICEACCT,DC=in,DC=rl,DC=com', error 0x2098/8344 -> Insufficient access rights to perform the operation.

  • Your account needs the correct rights in AD to be able to create SPN's, you could always ask your domain admins to assign the permissions to the service account so it is free to register de-register the spn's at will.

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