Unable to run my SSIS 2005 package using bat file...

  • Hi all,

    I had a simple batch file to run my ssis package. But i keep getting this error which i seriously dont uds why. I cross checks the name of my project and dtsx file name numerous time... This is the error:

    Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility

    Version 9.00.4035.00 for 32-bit

    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.

    Started: 2:20:42 PM

    Could not load package "\File System\TA_Report\TA" because of error 0x80070002.

    Description: Unable to find the specified file.

    Source: MsDtsSrvr

    Started: 2:20:42 PM

    Finished: 2:20:42 PM

    Elapsed: 0.032 seconds

    This is my bat file:

    @echo off&SETLOCAL

    rem set project && package name, ssis server IP

    set ssis_project=TA_Report

    set ssis_package=TA

    set ssis_server=localhost

    rem set command name and log path

    set run_ssis_cmd=dtexec

    set run_log_dir=D:\EW\TARpt\Logs

    rem set parameter

    set para=%1

    if "%para%"=="" (

    set para=Default


    rem set up log file suffix

    FOR /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/-. " %%G IN ('date /t') DO (call :s_fixdate %%G %%H %%I %%J)

    call :s_date_end

    if "%dd%" == "02" call :archive_end

    del %run_log_dir%\%ssis_package%_log.txt

    echo Continue process

    echo .

    echo start to run %ssis_project%\%ssis_package%...

    %run_ssis_cmd% /DTS "\File System\%ssis_project%\%ssis_package%" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING V /SET "\Package.Variables[User::Exec_Dt].Properties[Value];%para%"> %run_log_dir%\%ssis_package%_%log_suffix%.log

    "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a %run_log_dir%\%ssis_package%_%log_suffix%.log.zip %run_log_dir%\%ssis_package%_%log_suffix%.log

    del %run_log_dir%\%ssis_package%_%log_suffix%.log

    goto :eof


    echo in s_fixdate

    if "%1:~0,1%" GTR "9" shift

    FOR /f "skip=1 tokens=2-4 delims=(-)" %%G IN ('echo.^|date') DO (

    set %%G=%1&set %%H=%2&set %%I=%3)

    goto :eof


    echo in archive_end

    echo Deleting old log files...

    cd %run_log_dir%

    echo del %run_log_dir%\archive\%ssis_package%_*.zip

    del %run_log_dir%\archive\%ssis_package%_*.zip

    echo Moving last month log file to archive...

    echo move %run_log_dir%\%ssis_package%_*.zip archive

    move %run_log_dir%\%ssis_package%_*.zip archive

    echo Finish moving archive logs...

    goto :eof


    echo in s_date_end

    set yy=20%yy%

    FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('time/t') DO set _time=%%G

    SET _time=%_time:~0,2%%_time:~3,2%

    set log_suffix=%yy:~-4%%mm%%dd%

    rem echo %log_suffix%

    goto :eof


    Whats wrong? Someone please help me. I read the other similar post and that guy problem is spaces problem...I dk if mine is the same but i tried renaming my files... still the same

  • Where is the package stored?

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  • Koen Verbeeck (1/9/2013)

    Where is the package stored?

    Its stored in numerous folder due to requirement. May i know which should package should i identify? the one inside the project folder, with the file type of integration services package?

  • 10e5x (1/9/2013)

    Koen Verbeeck (1/9/2013)

    Where is the package stored?

    Its stored in numerous folder due to requirement. May i know which should package should i identify? the one inside the project folder, with the file type of integration services package?

    How can one package be stored in multiple folders?

    You are referencing the SSIS package store in your .bat file (since you use the /DTS switch for DTEXEC), which is a specific folder in your SQL Server installation directory.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at https://sqlkover.com.
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Hi i am sorry, its solved, error with my file path.. thanks for pointing that out

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