Need help on creating SQL statement for deriving Consecutive worked days.

  • Hi all,

    Anyone can help me in deriving the sql statement to achieve the new column CONSECUTIVE_D?

    Consecutive days should be solely based on ENTER_DT regardless of the no. of times. And if an employee enters many times in the same day it is still counted as one consecutive days. And if an employee enters on 5/13/2012 00:00:59 AM and the next entry is 5/14/2012 23:59:55, it is still consider as consecutive. Better e.g


    Boo K K5/1/2012 11:55:00 PM1

    Boo K K5/2/2012 11:30:00 PM2

    Boo K K5/4/2012 10:30:00 AM1

    LIAW S 4/30/2012 11:48:52 PM1

    LIAW S5/1/2012 00:11:07 AM2

    LIAW S5/1/2012 11:59:07 AM2

    LIAW S 5/1/2012 4:42:02 AM2

    LIAW S5/2/2012 1:10:09 AM3

    LIAW S5/2/2012 1:43:06 AM3

    LIAW S5/4/2012 2:17:47 AM1

    How can i derive the consecutive column? Please note the last row of the table, consecutive is set b to 1 as the employee has not enter on the 5/3/2012.

    This is what i tried but its wrong:





    My logic is to make use of DATEDIFF(day, ENTRY_DT, PrevEntry_DT).

    Counter = 1;

    If DATEDIFF(day, ENTRY_DT, PrevEntry_DT) = 1, +1 to Counter. Else counter will always remain as 1.

    PrevEntry_DT should be the previous ENTRY_DT of the row aboved, same PASS_M of cuz. (maybe can make use of rownumber or?)

    However i do not how to apply!



  • What about weekends and public holidays? Should they restart your counter?

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  • Hi,

    Thanks for replying. We should ignore whether it is weekend or pub holidays. Just derive consecutive from the entry date. For example: staff a enters on a fri sat sun and following tues. so on the entry record of fri will be 1 consec day, sat 2 and sun it will show 3 consecutive day but on 1 for tues. Will reset the counter only there is a gap(no back to back entry date)

  • Could probably be simpler but this separates out the steps.

    declare @t table (s varchar(10), dt datetime)

    insert @t select 'A', '20120101'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120102'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120102 01:00'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120103'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120105'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120106'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120106'

    insert @t select 'B', '20120101'

    insert @t select 'B', '20120103'

    insert @t select 'B', '20120104'

    ;with cte as


    select *, dte = dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,dt),0) from @t

    ) ,

    cte2 as


    select *, num = (select count(distinct t2.dte) from cte t2 where t2.dte<=t1.dte and t1.s=t2.s) ,

    gap = case when exists (select * from cte t3 where t3.dte = t1.dte-1 and t1.s = t3.s) then 0 else 1 end

    from cte t1


    select * ,

    val = num - (select max(num) from cte2 t2 where t2.dte<=t1.dte and and t1.s=t2.s)+1

    from cte2 t1

    Cursors never.
    DTS - only when needed and never to control.

  • thanks, i will try those codes when i get b to office. Any simpler suggestion anyone as this is quite complicated.

  • Assuming I've understood what you want, then something like this: -

    SELECT StaffId,

    MIN(EntryDate) AS firstDateEntrySequence, MAX(EntryDate) AS lastDateEntrySequence,

    DATEDIFF(dd,MIN(EntryDate),MAX(EntryDate))+1 AS NumberOfDaysInSequence

    FROM (SELECT StaffId, EntryDate,

    DATEADD(dd, - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY StaffId ORDER BY EntryDate), EntryDate)

    FROM #yourSampleData

    GROUP BY StaffId, EntryDate) a(StaffId, EntryDate, EntryGroup)

    GROUP BY StaffId, EntryGroup;

    That's based on the following sample data, since you chose not to supply any: -

    IF object_id('tempdb..#yourSampleData') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #yourSampleData;


    SELECT StaffId, EntryDate

    INTO #yourSampleData

    FROM (VALUES(1, '2012-12-12'),(1, '2012-12-13'),(1, '2012-12-15'),

    (2, '2012-12-12'),(2, '2012-12-14'),(2, '2012-12-16')

    )a(StaffId, EntryDate);

    SELECT StaffId, EntryDate

    INTO #yourSampleData

    FROM (SELECT 1, '2012-12-12'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1, '2012-12-13'

    UNION ALL SELECT 1, '2012-12-15'

    UNION ALL SELECT 2, '2012-12-12'

    UNION ALL SELECT 2, '2012-12-14'

    UNION ALL SELECT 2, '2012-12-16'

    )a(StaffId, EntryDate);

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  • Oops - didn't think row_number() was available in v2005.

    Still seems new.

    Cursors never.
    DTS - only when needed and never to control.

  • Hi Cadavre,

    Thank you v much for ur help. Btw may i tried and your method returned my all 1 as numberofdays.

    Oh yes u are right, i should have uploaded a sample data. I will do it v soon. Need to mask a few fields.



  • nigelrivett (12/12/2012)

    Could probably be simpler but this separates out the steps.

    declare @t table (s varchar(10), dt datetime)

    insert @t select 'A', '20120101'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120102'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120102 01:00'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120103'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120105'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120106'

    insert @t select 'A', '20120106'

    insert @t select 'B', '20120101'

    insert @t select 'B', '20120103'

    insert @t select 'B', '20120104'

    ;with cte as


    select *, dte = dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,dt),0) from @t

    ) ,

    cte2 as


    select *, num = (select count(distinct t2.dte) from cte t2 where t2.dte<=t1.dte and t1.s=t2.s) ,

    gap = case when exists (select * from cte t3 where t3.dte = t1.dte-1 and t1.s = t3.s) then 0 else 1 end

    from cte t1


    select * ,

    val = num - (select max(num) from cte2 t2 where t2.dte<=t1.dte and and t1.s=t2.s)+1

    from cte2 t1

    Hi nigelrivet,

    tested your method it works. but it is very complicated. btw may i ask u if i am using this type of TSQL method, will there be overhead? Cuz i will be working on huge number of data eventually. Around 200k rows. Would it crash? I already have around a chunk of tsql statments working with 5 temp cte tables, will it crash or run super slow?

    Thanks alot.

  • Just another option to consider, think of it as food for thought:

    with TestData as (



    cast(EnterDt as datetime) EnterDt,




    ('Boo K K','5/1/2012 11:55:00 PM', 1),

    ('Boo K K','5/2/2012 11:30:00 PM', 2),

    ('Boo K K','5/4/2012 10:30:00 AM', 1),

    ('LIAW S','4/30/2012 11:48:52 PM', 1),

    ('LIAW S','5/1/2012 00:11:07 AM', 2),

    ('LIAW S','5/1/2012 11:59:07 AM', 2),

    ('LIAW S','5/1/2012 4:42:02 AM', 2),

    ('LIAW S','5/2/2012 1:10:09 AM', 3),

    ('LIAW S','5/2/2012 1:43:06 AM', 3),

    ('LIAW S','5/4/2012 2:17:47 AM', 1)

    )dt(PassM, EnterDt, ConsecutiveD)


    , UniqueDts as (

    select distinct


    dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,EnterDt),0) UniqEnterDt




    , GrpDates as (




    GrpDate = dateadd(dd,row_number() over (partition by PassM order by UniqEnterDt) *-1,UniqEnterDt),

    rn = row_number() over (partition by PassM order by UniqEnterDt)




    ,ConsecutiveDts as (




    rn = row_number() over (partition by PassM, GrpDate order by UniqEnterDt)







    cd.rn as CompConsecutiveD,



    TestData td

    inner join ConsecutiveDts cd

    on (td.PassM = cd.PassM and

    dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,td.EnterDt),0) = cd.UniqEnterDt);

  • Hi Lyn,

    Thanks for ur reply i will test that soon. Currently i just do not know how to implement my 8 SQL statements in SSIS. TROUBLED:( Just by using this will be able to help me derive my target table but my supervisore hopes to see a neat process using SSIS.

    I did it by, using SQL statement 1 will create T1, then i use SQL statment to query from t1 to derive T2, then drop SQL8 to create TARGET_TABLE, drop T7. I know i have used a very noob way. How can i translate all these and use it in SSIS?

  • First, you didn't ask for an SSIS solution, you asked for a SQL solution.

    Second, use the right tool for the job. This isn't a job for SSIS, it is a job for SQL.

    Third, I have another SQL solution:

    with TestData as (



    cast(EnterDt as datetime) EnterDt,




    ('Boo K K','5/1/2012 11:55:00 PM', 1),

    ('Boo K K','5/2/2012 11:30:00 PM', 2),

    ('Boo K K','5/4/2012 10:30:00 AM', 1),

    ('LIAW S','4/30/2012 11:48:52 PM', 1),

    ('LIAW S','5/1/2012 00:11:07 AM', 2),

    ('LIAW S','5/1/2012 11:59:07 AM', 2),

    ('LIAW S','5/1/2012 4:42:02 AM', 2),

    ('LIAW S','5/2/2012 1:10:09 AM', 3),

    ('LIAW S','5/2/2012 1:43:06 AM', 3),

    ('LIAW S','5/4/2012 2:17:47 AM', 1)

    )dt(PassM, EnterDt, ConsecutiveD)


    , GrpDates as (




    GrpDate = dateadd(dd, dense_rank() over (partition by PassM order by dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,EnterDt),0)) * -1, dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,EnterDt),0)),









    dr = dense_rank() over (partition by PassM, GrpDate order by dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,EnterDt),0))



    order by



    When you run the code above, compare the ConsecutiveD column (the expected results) to the dr column (the computed Consecutive Days column).

  • Hi lyn,

    I tested your solutions and it works. However they keep prompt me "the OVER SQL constructs or statements is not supported". I just ignored that. Do u have any idea whats that?

    And ya i am sry, i did not asked for an SSIS solution and i do know this is an SQL job. However i am asked to see if i can do this in SSIS, which i am researching for it now. So asking for ur opinion.

    Anyway thanks for replying.



    P.S I joined 3 forums to learn on SQL server and this forum is the best among all. Fastest reply rate with accuracy. THANKS!!!

  • 10e5x (12/13/2012)

    Hi lyn,

    I tested your solutions and it works. However they keep prompt me "the OVER SQL constructs or statements is not supported". I just ignored that. Do u have any idea whats that?

    And ya i am sry, i did not asked for an SSIS solution and i do know this is an SQL job. However i am asked to see if i can do this in SSIS, which i am researching for it now. So asking for ur opinion.

    Anyway thanks for replying.



    P.S I joined 3 forums to learn on SQL server and this forum is the best among all. Fastest reply rate with accuracy. THANKS!!!

    First, look with eye, try spelling my name correctly, it is spelled with 2 n's not one.

    Second, what version of SQL Server are you running?

    Third, what is the full error message you are getting? The dense_rank function has been available since SQL Server 2005 and should work without giving you any error messages.

  • Hi Lynn,

    Firstly, i am sorry, Lynn.

    Secondly, i am using SQL Server 2005

    Lastly, that sentence is the entire error sentence. It appears when i click the ! functions in query builder.



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