union with order by is not working

  • I had used 5 queries and union their result then appllied order by clause .but order by doesn't work result comes same every time

    plz provide solution

    WITH CTE as


    select top 3 1 InternalID, CityDefaultName = (ci.CityZipCodes + ',' + ci.CityDefaultName + ',' + pr.ProvinceDefaultName + ',' + co.CountryDefaultName), NULL ParentInternalID, GeoLocation = (cast(ci.CityLatitude as varchar(20))+ ',' + cast(ci.CityLongitude as varchar(20)))

    from GeoData.TB_City ci

    inner join GeoData.TB_Province pr on pr.ProvinceInternalID = ci.CityProvinceID

    inner join GeoData.TB_Country co on co.CountryInternalID = ci.CityCountryID

    inner join Config.TB_ContractCountryMapping ccm on ccm.ContractCountryMappingCountryInternalID = co.CountryInternalID

    where ci.CityStatusID = 1 and ccm.ContractCountryMappingStatusID = 1 and co.CountryStatusID = 1

    and ccm.ContractCountryMappingContractInternalID = ltrim(rtrim(str(@ContractID)))

    and ci.CityZipCodes like SUBSTRING(@FilterString,1,3) +'%'


    select top 3 1 InternalID, CityDefaultName = (ci.CityDefaultName + ',' + pr.ProvinceDefaultName + ',' + co.CountryDefaultName), NULL ParentInternalID, GeoLocation = (cast(ci.CityLatitude as varchar(20))+ ',' + cast(ci.CityLongitude as varchar(20)))

    from GeoData.TB_City ci

    inner join GeoData.TB_Province pr on pr.ProvinceInternalID = ci.CityProvinceID

    inner join GeoData.TB_Country co on co.CountryInternalID = ci.CityCountryID

    inner join Config.TB_ContractCountryMapping ccm on ccm.ContractCountryMappingCountryInternalID = co.CountryInternalID

    where ci.CityStatusID = 1 and ccm.ContractCountryMappingStatusID = 1 and co.CountryStatusID = 1

    and ccm.ContractCountryMappingContractInternalID = ltrim(rtrim(str(@ContractID)))

    and SOUNDEX(@FilterString) = SOUNDEX(CityDefaultName)


    select top 3 1 InternalID, ProvinceDefaultName = (pr.ProvinceDefaultName + ',' + co.CountryDefaultName), NULL ParentInternalID, GeoLocation = 'prvnm,ctrnm'

    from GeoData.TB_Province pr

    inner join GeoData.TB_Country co on co.CountryInternalID = pr.ProvinceCountryID

    inner join Config.TB_ContractCountryMapping ccm on ccm.ContractCountryMappingCountryInternalID = co.CountryInternalID

    where pr.ProvinceStatusID = 1 and ccm.ContractCountryMappingStatusID = 1 and co.CountryStatusID = 1

    and ccm.ContractCountryMappingContractInternalID = ltrim(rtrim(str(@ContractID)))

    and SOUNDEX(@FilterString) = SOUNDEX(ProvinceDefaultName)


    select top 3 1 InternalID, CountryDefaultName, NULL ParentInternalID, GeoLocation = 'ctrnm'

    from GeoData.TB_Country co

    inner join Config.TB_ContractCountryMapping ccm on ccm.ContractCountryMappingCountryInternalID = co. CountryInternalID

    where co.CountryStatusID = 1 and ccm.ContractCountryMappingStatusID = 1

    and ccm.ContractCountryMappingContractInternalID = ltrim(rtrim(str(@ContractID)))

    and SOUNDEX(@FilterString) = SOUNDEX(CountryDefaultName)


    select top 3 1 InternalID, RegionDefaultName, NULL ParentInternalID, GeoLocation = 'reg'

    from GeoData.TB_Region reg

    inner join GeoData.TB_Country co on reg.RegionInternalID = co.CountryRegionID

    inner join Config.TB_ContractCountryMapping ccm on ccm.ContractCountryMappingCountryInternalID = co.CountryInternalID

    where co.CountryStatusID = 1 and ccm.ContractCountryMappingStatusID = 1

    and reg.RegionStatusID = 1

    and ccm.ContractCountryMappingContractInternalID = ltrim(rtrim(str(@ContractID)))

    and SOUNDEX(@FilterString) = SOUNDEX(RegionDefaultName)


    select * from cte Order By case when (@SortFieldIndex=1 and @OrderBy = 'DESC') then InternalID end DESC,case when (@SortFieldIndex=1 and @OrderBy = 'ASC') then InternalID end, case when (@SortFieldIndex=2 and @OrderBy = 'DESC') then 2 end DESC, case when (@SortFieldIndex=2 and @OrderBy = 'ASC') then 2 end,case when (@SortFieldIndex=4 and @OrderBy = 'DESC') then GeoLocation end DESC,case when (@SortFieldIndex=4 and @OrderBy = 'ASC') then GeoLocation end,case when (@SortFieldIndex not IN(1,2,4)) then 2 end

  • with this query can you provide some data?

  • I have to agree, we really need to have the DDL (CREATE TABLE statements )for the tables, some sample data (INSERT INTO statements) for each of the tables, expected results.

    Looking at the code, I am pretty sure that what you want isn't what you have coded. First of all, it really doesn't matter if you sort InternalID ascending or descending as it is always 1 based on your code. If the 2 in the ORDER BY means to sort on the second column, again, you may not be getting what you expect.

  • 28.kanikasoni (11/1/2012)

    I had used 5 queries and union their result then appllied order by clause .but order by doesn't work result comes same every time

    plz provide solutionnd

    Simplify your model. Pick any one of the queries - the top one is a good choice because it provides the column names. Try this:

    select top 3

    1 InternalID,

    CityDefaultName = (ci.CityZipCodes + ',' + ci.CityDefaultName + ',' + pr.ProvinceDefaultName + ',' + co.CountryDefaultName),

    NULL ParentInternalID,

    GeoLocation = (cast(ci.CityLatitude as varchar(20))+ ',' + cast(ci.CityLongitude as varchar(20)))

    from GeoData.TB_City ci

    inner join GeoData.TB_Province pr

    on pr.ProvinceInternalID = ci.CityProvinceID

    inner join GeoData.TB_Country co

    on co.CountryInternalID = ci.CityCountryID

    inner join Config.TB_ContractCountryMapping ccm

    on ccm.ContractCountryMappingCountryInternalID = co.CountryInternalID

    where ci.CityStatusID = 1

    and ccm.ContractCountryMappingStatusID = 1

    and co.CountryStatusID = 1

    and ccm.ContractCountryMappingContractInternalID = ltrim(rtrim(str(@ContractID)))

    and ci.CityZipCodes like SUBSTRING(@FilterString,1,3) +'%'

    Order By

    case when (@SortFieldIndex=1 and @OrderBy = 'DESC') then InternalID end DESC, -- no sort

    case when (@SortFieldIndex=1 and @OrderBy = 'ASC') then InternalID end, -- no sort

    case when (@SortFieldIndex=2 and @OrderBy = 'DESC') then CityDefaultName end DESC ,

    case when (@SortFieldIndex=2 and @OrderBy = 'ASC') then CityDefaultName end,

    case when (@SortFieldIndex=4 and @OrderBy = 'DESC') then GeoLocation end DESC,

    case when (@SortFieldIndex=4 and @OrderBy = 'ASC') then GeoLocation end,

    case when (@SortFieldIndex not IN(1,2,4)) then 2 end

    Do you know how TOP 3 will be evaluated for each subquery?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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