changing Agent jobs notification via msdb?

  • Hi all,

    Id like to make sure all my agent jobs update the event log if they error.

    If i go to the GUI and change the notification area and script it i get:

    USE [msdb]


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id=N'7be0b2e1-4404-4fb0-9b93-94a82f31ac5a',






    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_attach_schedule @job_id=N'7be0b2e1-4404-4fb0-9b93-94a82f31ac5a',@schedule_id=8


    So i thought i would have to do a cursor to loop though my agent jobs in msdb.

    looking at the msdb tables.. to find which jobs need to enabled and which i dont.. I decided to go with the SET approach and decided to try a much easier route of

    UPDATE msdb..sysjobs

    SET notify_level_eventlog = 2

    WHERE notify_level_eventlog = 0

    I didnt think you could update system tables.. but this worked.. and looking though my agent jobs in the GUI, they are all now ticked for event log..

    Have a done something quite silly and other things needed to be changed for this to work properly.. Or have i found a much simpler solution!

  • n00bDBA (8/30/2012)

    Have a done something quite silly and other things needed to be changed for this to work properly.. Or have i found a much simpler solution!

    I don't know? Did you?

    EXEC msdb.sys.sp_helptext

    @objname = N'dbo.sp_update_job';

    I would not get into the habit of updating the tables in msdb directly. Here is a simpler way for you to produce the desired result next time you need to do something like this without using a cursor:

    USE msdb;


    SET @sql = N'';

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name=N''' + name + ''',






    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs;

    PRINT @sql; -- << output may be truncated but EXEC will execute complete content of variable

    -- uncomment to exec


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