create new database

  • TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


    Create failed for Database 'mydb'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

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    Hi there i've got a problem,im trying to create new database and i cant.Help please:)

    Thats my problem:

    An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


    CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 262)

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  • You need SysAdmin, explicit permissions to run CREATE DATABASE or the dbcreator fixed server roles assigned to the login trying to create the database in order for it to be able to create the database.

    Can you confirm the security rights of the user in question?

  • hi again,thank you for help, but to be honest I dont know what are you talking about:)))

    I'm new with SQL, I have to create new database to work in BIDS. I'm in the same place for 4 hrs:(((


  • Speak to your DBA and ask them to create you a database and grant you the nessesary access to the database to perform your duties.

    Your permissions are not high enough to create databases.

  • thank you:)

  • I need to set permissions on the server to assign permissions to the account im loged on.

    no clue how to do this.


  • You need to grant the nessesary access to your account, so you will need to login as an account which has the right access to change user permissions.

    Typically your DBA would do this for you.

    Do you know of an account which you can login as like SA or something which has SysAdmin rights?

  • I'm all alone with this:(

    I have to find out what to do, and do it..

    That's why I'm looking for some help in here.

    My boss have no idea what's SQL, so i can't ask for help.

    Thanks for help.

  • Follow the instructions on this link

    Make sure you are a local admin of the server where SQL is installed.

    Then once the above has been done and SQL is in Single User mode, you can add in your account and give yourself SA rights.

  • Thank you:))))

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