Visual Studio 2008 and SSRS Project - Request Failed with HTTP status 400

  • This is doing my head in!!!

    We have two workstations, one report project and a Windows 2008 R2 (64bit) Server running SQL 2008 R2 (with SSRS).

    The problem is the reports will deploy from one workstation but not the second!!!

    Both workstations are Windows 7 (64bit) running VS 2008 Version 9.0.30729.4462 QFE. Both are using the same windows credentials, both are using the same settings!

    The message we are getting is "Could not connect to the report server http://<server>/ReportServer. Verify that the TargetServerURL is valid and that you have the correct permissions to connect to the report server." "The request failed with HTTP status 400: Bad Request. (System.Web.Services)"

    So how can the problem be the TargetServerURL or permissions!!!!

    Does anyone have a clue what the problem could be?



  • Does it matter who is using which workstation?

  • No it doesn't matter who logs onto workstation 2 we can't deploy the reports unless we do it manually (via http:\\server\reports)



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