Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The attribute key cannot be found when processing: Even though key Exist in Dim Table..

  • Hi All,

    Recently I added new fact table called Orderline to my Order Cube and want to use all the dimension attributes of Order measure group for Orderline, so i added new dimension called Order with only OrderKey and used the same for referenced Dimesnion...under Dimension Usage Tab.

    However when i process the cube i am getting the following error:

    Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The attribute key cannot be found when processing: Table: 'dbo_DimProviders', Column: 'ProviderKey', Value: '6729854'. The attribute is 'Admit Prov Key'. Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The record was skipped because the attribute key was not found. Attribute: Admit Prov Key of Dimension:

    and i found the records in DimProvider table for that correspounding values.

    I know my data is clean, I am not sure about the problem and i dont want to change processing settings to ignore the errors..while processing

    In reading various blogs, I've taken the following steps:

    1. Successfully processed each dimension separately

    2. Dropped and recreated my partitions

    But no luck..

    Any suggestions are really appreciated..



  • Hi,

    First Process Update the concerned dimension. After this is done, PROCESS FULL the concerned measure group individually. Faced this issue several times, and this fix always works.

  • Thanks for the i am not getting any error

  • Hi

    I am seeing below values in Process options..which one to select first...

    - Process Default

    - Process Full

    - Process Data

    - Process Structure


    Thanks In Advance

  • Hi Md.Noorullah,

    What is the issue you are facing? Processing FULL should work anyways.

  • For this error, as other empirical solutions: you might as well try the below options:

    1.This error may also crop up if there are NULL values in the dimension attributes. Delete the NULL values from the table for that dimension attribute.

    2. If 1 is not very feasible,to get over this error permanently, you might as well change the "NULL Processing" property of the concerned 'dimension attribute' to unknown and then change the "UnknownMember" property of the 'dimension' to Visible or Hidden. However, be informed that this would add an 'unknown' value in the attribute.

    3. Change the "Trimming" property to NONE (default is 'Right'). This works in some cases for reasons known to god.

  • Hi

    When i am doing process Update on dimensions its succeeding but on Process full for cube its giving error.

    What shold I do?

  • 1) I've delete the relations between the factable and dim tables in the database.

    2) I refresh the dataSourceViews and thera are no relations between tables

    3) I remove the dimentions in the cube design

    4) I recreate the dimentions in the cube design

    5) I build then relations in the dataSourceViews between the foreign key in the factable and the primary keys in dim tables

    6) i reprocesed the cube


  • Hi,

    By Any chacne did you update the Source query of fact table in the DSV like adding new columns like that if also need to update the same query in partition query under partition tab. As SSAS will not refresh queries in the partition tab from DSV.

    Hope it works.



  • 1Ankit1 (12/27/2011)

    For this error, as other empirical solutions: you might as well try the below options:

    1.This error may also crop up if there are NULL values in the dimension attributes. Delete the NULL values from the table for that dimension attribute.

    2. If 1 is not very feasible,to get over this error permanently, you might as well change the "NULL Processing" property of the concerned 'dimension attribute' to unknown and then change the "UnknownMember" property of the 'dimension' to Visible or Hidden. However, be informed that this would add an 'unknown' value in the attribute.

    3. Change the "Trimming" property to NONE (default is 'Right'). This works in some cases for reasons known to god.

    thanks point 3 worked for me

  • 1Ankit1 (12/27/2011)

    For this error, as other empirical solutions: you might as well try the below options:

    1.This error may also crop up if there are NULL values in the dimension attributes. Delete the NULL values from the table for that dimension attribute.

    2. If 1 is not very feasible,to get over this error permanently, you might as well change the "NULL Processing" property of the concerned 'dimension attribute' to unknown and then change the "UnknownMember" property of the 'dimension' to Visible or Hidden. However, be informed that this would add an 'unknown' value in the attribute.

    3. Change the "Trimming" property to NONE (default is 'Right'). This works in some cases for reasons known to god.

    thanks point 3 worked for me

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