Droping the user SQL Server 2000

  • Hi

    If i dropthe user from Sql Server , will i able to open , execute,edit , save as the Stored Procedures, Packages , views created by that user....

    if not , what i have to do.

    pls help ....

    thanks ,


  • Pratap

    Are there any objects named MyUser.ObjectName, where MyUser is the user you want to delete? If so, consider using sp_changeobjectowner.


  • thanks for your reply...

    what would happen if i delete the user without changing the Owner of the objects ....

    As DB adminstrator, can i execute,open , edit, save as the stored procedures,DTS packages,views even after droping the user without changing the owner....

    Thanks ....


  • Pratap

    You may find that you can't drop a user if it already owns objects. But there's a good way of finding out - try it, preferably on a test server.


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