SQL service agent Account

  • How can I find out my sql server agent service account is a sysadmin?

    According to sql server bookonline, the service account has to be a sysadmin.


  • Do you know the name of your service account?

    Check under logins under the security folder. Open the account that you are using as a service account and check the server roles for the account.

    You will be doing that from SSMS.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Thanks, I know the service account name, but it is not listed in security login list.

    We are using sql server 2008 on windows 2008

  • is the service account a domain account that you (Or the network group) created? If so, then add that account under logins and assign the appropriate permissions.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • It's a domain account.

    So the installation doesn't add the account automatically to the login list?

    Is this a manual step that I have to do after installation?

    How come all this time sql server agent is running successfully without the sysadmin rights?

    I'm confused.

  • Is that service account a member of the local admin group in windows (not domain but the machine on which SQL Server is installed)?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • No, it's not in local admin group.

    I don't see 'problems' (not sure if it's a problem) like this in our SQL 2005 box.

    But I checked in two our SQL 2008, it is like this.

  • Is the account in a domain group that you have already added with access to the sql server logins?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • If you are the sysadmin

    If you can login with the sa account


    Try SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin');

    If returns 1 then Yeah that is an sysadmin account.


  • Thanks, I look through the logins in security in SSMS, I don't see it is in any existing group.

  • For SQL Server 2008 there will be a group under 'Logins' called 'NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT'. I haven't figured out how to view that group on the Windows box yet (it's on the list for reading) but that group should be in the 'sysadmin' server role.

    That group gets created during the installation of SQL Server. If you've changed the owner of the SQL Server Agent account, make sure you do it using the 'SQL Server Configuration Manager'. You could double check by changing the owner from the existing account to 'Local System', then back to your domain account (provided you can take a little bit of downtime for the agent).

    Sacramento SQL Server users group - http://sac.sqlpass.org
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    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • We do have a group called NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT.

    I have the same question how I can see the member of the group?

    We never changed the service account, and when install we give it that domain account for service account.

    So my other question is: is it a manual step to add the domain account to the login in security in SSMS?

  • @SQLDCH Thanks for clarifying that one.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • here is a query for you to see server roles.

    select sp.name as UserAccount ,suser_name(rm.role_principal_id) as RoleName

    from sys.server_role_members RM

    Inner Join sys.server_principals SP

    On RM.member_principal_id = SP.principal_id

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • I got really confused about the service account security of 2008.

    I posted a couple of questions, it seems no one really answers that.

    Please help.

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