Fulltext search and date column

  • I noticed the date column has a huge impact on my query.

    to my surprise and newer data take more than a minute to return a result like date >'04-02-2011' however any older date like 1999 up to 2010 returns result in less than a second.


    I set up a FTS catalogue for a text column and my query includes multiple AND conditions.

    Everything is great except when I search for more recent dates. Example

    1- dbo.forum_messages.MDate >'2011-02-01' this take over 1:20 minutes to return the result

    2- dbo.forum_messages.MDate >'2011-02-01' or dbo.forum_messages.MDate <'2000'

    this takes less than a second to return the result

    Can someone explain to me why?

    Many thanks in advance.

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