how to assign NULL value in jump to report parameter

  • I have a matrix report. On field have assigned a Jump To Report value, with Inscope function. This works well.

    But, in Jump To Report you assign parameters. The report has 5 parameters, one being a date. I have successfully assigned values to each parameter. But have not been able to assign NULL to the data parameter. I have tried using the 'Omit' feature, assigning the date parameter to True. This works in VS. But when deploy to Report Server and run report from there, I receive an error message saying the date parameter is missing.

    I've assigned the date paramter in the jump to report to allow NULL and default value of NULL.

    So, seems only thing to do is assign parameter to a NULL value. But can't see how to do.

    Have tried '=IsNothing(TRUE)', '=System.DBNull' and everything else I can think of.

    Still no luck.

    What should I put in the expression?

    Thanks so much.

  • Ok, I resolved it myself. Very simple. Must not have had my latte yet.


  • Can you post how you resolved this? I'm having the same issue.


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