Granting select permissions on all Views, SQL error (declare scalar variable)

  • Hey guys,

    I am attempting to give select permissions to all Views in a database for a particular user, and I do not want to make them db_datareader for security issues.

    I am trying to use the script from

    but I get "Must declare the scalar variable" for @rowid & @sqlstr. I read up and this has to do with dynamic SQL?

    I'm a coding newb so if anyone can decifer this I would very much appreciate it!

    DECLARE @login varchar(50)

    SET @login = 'loginname'

    DECLARE @views TABLE(ROWID int IDENTITY(1,1), SQLSTR varchar(500))

    INSERT INTO @views

    SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON ' + NAME + ' TO '+@login

    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE TYPE = 'V'

    SET @rowid = 0

    SET @sqlstr = ''

    DECLARE grant_vw_cursor CURSOR FOR


    FROM @views


    OPEN grant_vw_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM grant_vw_cursor

    INTO @rowid,@sqlstr



    EXECUTE (@sqlstr)

    FETCH NEXT FROM grant_vw_cursor

    INTO @rowid,@sqlstr


    CLOSE grant_vw_cursor

    DEALLOCATE grant_vw_cursor

  • While rowid and sqlstr are column names in your table, you are also using variables @rowid and @sqlstr in your code without ever declaring them. Add the declaration for them with the same data types as the columns at the beginning and you shoud be covered.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Thank you David, yes I had to declare @rowid and @sqlstr.

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