Error Executing the package.

  • Hello folks,

    I am recreating a SSIS package from a old one . one of the step of the package is to [execute SQL task] this is task i am runing the sp_help_reslogin.

    when I run it is get the following error.

    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "exec sp_help_reslogin" failed with the following error: "Windows NT user or group 'Domain\Login' not found. Check the name again.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    this is the is of the person who created the old ssis before, in my package it did every thing on my own.... when exec the package its looking for his ID... i dont understand it and dont know how and where to go and fix it..

    Please help.

  • i guess you are taking about the Procedure

    sp_help_revlogin not the one you have mentioned. This Procedure is used to transfer the logins from one server to another server. the result of this SP will Provide a script that need to execute in the other database in another server.

    You can refer this URL for more info on this SP.

    Did You correctley mapped the result set in the Execute Sql Task.

  • I understand the SP. but the problem is when the execute the sql task run , it is looking for the domain\user as its showing in the error. that user or id is nto there anymore. why the sp is looking for particular user and how can i change that . it could be any SP the problem as I mentioned is the sp is looking for that particular User.

    Thanks in advance

  • May be i need to change some setting in ssis ... as far as i know i have changed it all.

    any help would be much appreciated.

  • any one has any idea??? I am banging my head to the wall here for hours .

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