Add computer name as a login in sql server

  • Hi All,

    I have very strange request from my application team and they want to add the server name as a login in sql server.

    Can anybody help with the way to do it.....

    I am able to add the computer name as a member of the local administrators and not able to do the same for the sql server logins....



  • You can make use of a script similar to the one below.

    CREATE LOGIN [computername$] FROM WINDOWS;

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Thanks Very much...

    I also found another way to do this....

    When you create a new login in SQL don't use Browse dialog box to search Active Directory accounts. Instead manually type name in the following format: <Domain Name>\Servername$ and give necessary permission

  • The reason your developers want you to do this is most likely because they have a service running on the other machine as Local System (or Network Service) and want it to access the SQL server. Have to wonder why they don't just change the account the service starts as, though--would have been a much better solution, IMHO!

  • Or someone is trying to activly mask the originating accoiunt accessing the SQL server. I'd caution against allowing this type of access.

  • Thanks a lot. it helped me very-very)

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