Will uninstall and reinstall of .NET Framework affect an existing SQL Server 2008 installation

  • I have a SQL Server 2008 installation on Windows 2008. Due to a security patch issue we have to uninstall and reinstall the .NET Framework on this server. Will the reinstall have any affect on the existing SQL Server installation? Do i need to uninstall SQL Server to uninstall .NET framework? Please advice.



  • I know that this is an old post and I do know that Ravi hasn't logged in sense 6/30/2011, but did you go through with this Ravi or has anyone else done this? I need to uninstall and re-install the .NET framework on a SQL Server 2008 cluster and I am not sure if this will harm the SQL 2008 install. Thank you in advance.

  • I would test it on a cloned server. Can your SAN do a snapshot or clone?

  • That is a good suggestion and I can do snapshots. Thank you for your response. I have Google'd this topic, but I cannot seem to find someone who has actually done this. Next week, I will most likely take a snapshot of our test environment first and try to uninstall and re-install the .NET framework there. If that goes well, I will try it on the production environment. Unless, someone else has done this before and is willing to share their experience, I will post my results here for others to see.

  • I have tested the uninstall\reinstall of .Net framework on a test server and it didn't affect the SQL Server Instance\databases. However, i didn't have to do that reinstall on the prod server as the actually issue was a win installer issue.

    Just to be on the safer side, please test this method on your test server before you actually do it on your prod cluster.

  • This question came up before and IIRC .NET FW is only required for the installation package of SQL Server, not for the actual product itself.

    That said, if you have any SQLCLR objects or types (built-in like Geography/Geometry, or user-defined) in any of your databases then I believe .NET FW will need to be there for those to function.

    As mentioned, make sure you test in a non-prod environment 😉

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