SSRS Interview Questions

  • Hi Guys,

    Can anyone please respond to below interview questions, I need some understanding. I tried to google it but no-luck ?.

    1. Difference between Logical Page an Physical Page in SSRS.

    2. How to configure SSRS for Disaster recovery.

    3. Describe the role of Encrpytion key in Report Server Configuration manager.

    4. User want only to display only pdf as export option in report Manager .. Describe Steps to perform this .

    5. Name and Describe few console utilities for SSRS.

    6. Name few Endpoints exposed by SSRs 2008.

    7. How can you access the Code in You report. Describe the Static and intance based method with example.

    8. how to add custome Assemblies to Report.

    9. What is Linked Report.

    10. What are different types of roles provided by SSRS.

    11. Describe different Processing Modes offered by SSRS.

    12. When to Use Null Data driven Subscription?

    13. What Factors need to take into consideration while desigining a international report ( Localaization ).

    14. What are different option to deploy report from Dev to Prod.

    15. What are the new Controls / Features added in SSRS 2008 / SSRS 2008 R2

    16. How can you monitor the report Usage.

    17. How can you add a new report User to report manager.

    18. How can you create the dynamaic Datasource. Can a Shared Datasource be Dynamic?

    19. A report is Performing poorly . What steps you would take to troubleshoot the Issue.

    20. Write an Expression to perform a Division of two Integers fields and to avoid NAN error.

    21. have you ever used Rank, Dense Rank Ntile, CTE and Pivot..

    22. Is SSRs 2008 dependent on IIS? if not how it perform the operations.



  • You can't find the answers to these Questinons just like that, you need to dig into it in the MSDN or some other sites

    for example you can use the below link to gather some information on your first Question (Pagination in SSRS)

    Generally logical pagination is used by the HTML and GDI rendering extensions and

    physical pagination is used by the print control and the TIFF and PDF rendering extensions.

    instead of looking for answers start exploring 🙂

  • I'll try this off the top of my head for fun. Maybe then we can get some discussion going on points I'm wrong 😉 After all, I'm not Googling these.

    1. Difference between Logical Page an Physical Page in SSRS.

    - I've never used that terminology, but it probably relates to how a page is designed, and then renders out into different formats - with only PDF having physical pages.

    2. How to configure SSRS for Disaster recovery.

    - Backup the database and its encryption key. I haven't worked on sites big enough to require anything other than just republishing the set of reports.

    3. Describe the role of Encrpytion key in Report Server Configuration manager.

    - It's used to encrypt the passwords in data sources.

    4. User want only to display only pdf as export option in report Manager .. Describe Steps to perform this .

    - I didn't know this was possible.

    5. Name and Describe few console utilities for SSRS.

    - rs.exe. Is 1 a few? Haha.

    6. Name few Endpoints exposed by SSRs 2008.

    - There's a report and execution endpoint labelled 2005 and one labelled 2006 for Sharepoint. There's also a new one in 2008R2 that combines 2005 and 2006 but I haven't used it.

    7. How can you access the Code in You report. Describe the Static and intance based method with example.

    - =Code!RoutineName(Fields!PersonName.Value)

    Public Function RoutineName(ByVal name As String) As String

    If Not name Is Nothing Then

    Return name.ToUpper


    Return Nothing

    End If

    End Function

    - Static methods in VB are pre-instantiated instance methods, and you don't differentiate between the two in RS, it's all already handled.

    8. how to add custome Assemblies to Report.

    - Haven't done it.

    9. What is Linked Report.

    - Haven't used them. I personally don't see the point of these at all.

    10. What are different types of roles provided by SSRS.

    - Administrator/User, and then Browser?

    11. Describe different Processing Modes offered by SSRS.

    - Local and remote, determining where the report will be rendered. It's usually remote and I've never seen anyone use Local.

    12. When to Use Null Data driven Subscription?

    - Never used subscriptions.

    13. What Factors need to take into consideration while desigining a international report ( Localaization ).

    - There's the date/number formats, which would have to be kept simple so as to use default regional settings; instead of long custom formats.

    - There's the text strings. I don't think you can internationalise those, the best you could do is create a lot of Code routines to return a string number for a certain language name. A huge pain in the butt and hard to maintain.

    14. What are different option to deploy report from Dev to Prod.

    - Reporting Services Scripter. Rolling your own scripts. Deploying straight from BIDS. You could also use the Report Manager web interface, but nobody does because it'd take too long.

    15. What are the new Controls / Features added in SSRS 2008 / SSRS 2008 R2

    - 2008 introduced the Tablix. R2 introduced Maps and Gauges.

    16. How can you monitor the report Usage.

    - The ReportServer database keeps track of every report that is run and how long it took. You can inspect it through SQL or write a report to display it.

    17. How can you add a new report User to report manager.

    - First you add them as a User to the site, then probably give them Browser permission on the root of the report tree they're meant to have access to.

    18. How can you create the dynamaic Datasource. Can a Shared Datasource be Dynamic?

    - Through something like ="SELECT PersonName FROM Person". These are a huge pain. I don't know if they can be made Shared, they're meant to be avoided.

    19. A report is Performing poorly . What steps you would take to troubleshoot the Issue.

    - Dump the SQL into SSMS and see how long it takes to run. Then simplify grouping and tables/matrix/displays on the report until the cause is found, or even recreate the report.

    20. Write an Expression to perform a Division of two Integers fields and to avoid NAN error.

    - =Code!Divide(Fields!Integer1.Value, Fields!Integer2.Value)

    Too bad you didn't ask to see the Divide function 🙂

    21. have you ever used Rank, Dense Rank Ntile, CTE and Pivot.

    - Occasionally used CTE but need to use web-references to get the syntax right. Rank and Dense_Rank I've used, though I still don't understand the difference 100%, I get that there's a difference and can see when data I'm ranking needs one or the other and switch it to get the results I want.

    - NTile and Pivot? Nope. And pivot is crap, people talk about it (and how complex it is) constantly, and it rarely turns out the data you want.

    22. Is SSRs 2008 dependent on IIS? if not how it perform the operations.

    - No it has its own http.sys.

    How did I go?

  • Hey Thank you Very much

  • How to configure SSRS for Disaster recovery :-

    You can scale out report server to many server.

  • Linked reports - read this[/url]

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