query to get the list tables in a database with total number of records and record size

  • Dear All,

    Can anybody help me with a query to get the list tables in a database with total number of records and record size pls?

    Thanks in advance.

  • This code is not mine, not sure where it came from but I used it to do the same thing.

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GetAllTableSizes]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))

    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetAllTableSizes]


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetAllTableSizes]



    Obtains spaced used data for ALL user tables in the database


    DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(100) --For storing values in the cursor

    --Cursor to get the name of all user tables from the sysobjects listing

    DECLARE tableCursor CURSOR


    select [name]

    from dbo.sysobjects

    where OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1


    --A procedure level temp table to store the results

    CREATE TABLE #TempTable


    tableName varchar(100),

    numberofRows varchar(100),

    reservedSize varchar(50),

    dataSize varchar(50),

    indexSize varchar(50),

    unusedSize varchar(50)


    --Open the cursor

    OPEN tableCursor

    --Get the first table name from the cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM tableCursor INTO @TableName

    --Loop until the cursor was not able to fetch

    WHILE (@@Fetch_Status >= 0)


    --Dump the results of the sp_spaceused query to the temp table

    INSERT #TempTable

    EXEC sp_spaceused @TableName

    --Get the next table name

    FETCH NEXT FROM tableCursor INTO @TableName


    --Get rid of the cursor

    CLOSE tableCursor

    DEALLOCATE tableCursor

    --Select all records so we can use the reults

    SELECT *

    FROM #TempTable

    --Final cleanup!

    DROP TABLE #TempTable


    EXEC GetAllTableSizes

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  • CREATE TABLE #TableSpaceUsed

    (Name nvarchar(128),

    Rows char(11),

    reserved varchar(18),

    data varchar(18),

    index_Size varchar(18),

    unused varchar(18))

    insert into #TableSpaceUsed

    exec sp_msforeachtable 'sp_spaceused [?]'

    select * from #TableSpaceUsed

    order by name

  • I show a couple methods to do this in a set based fashion on my blog.

    You can read about them here.


    From this article there are links to other articles. Check them out.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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