NOT FOR REPLICATION identity column

  • I am trying to insert data from flat file to database table.(sql 2005).

    during insert, i am using the following script...

    set identity_insert dbo.transactions on

    bulk insert workdb.dbo.transactions

    from 'd:\transactions.txt'

    with (

    fieldterminator = '|',

    rowterminator = ''


    set identity_insert dbo.transactions off

    while using the above script, i got following error...

    Msg 545, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

    Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table 'transactions' either when identity_insert is set to ON or when a replication user is inserting into a NOT FOR REPLICATION identity column.

    can any one help me on this..

    Thanks in advance.


  • Assuming your import file contains explicit IDENTITY column values, you must add the KEEPIDENTITY option to your BULK INSERT statement for the import process to use them.

  • Hi

    Paul White NZ, Thanks lot.

    Thanks for your help.

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