how can i create a crystal viewer

  • Hi how are you doing?

    I am working in a small software company and my boss is a developer and I am actually working as a network administrator. We have a medical soft ware working in clinics and hospitals. Right now, my boss started to teach me a programming language and just wants me to become a programmer. . And now, he asked me to add the owner address, their website, the owner name, fax number, and cellophane number, in our software report. And said “you must find out how we create or add the owner information in our software report …just find out and get it”. So, this is my question what can I do and how can I find out and this is very difficult for me.

    So, please help me

    Thank you and god bless you

  • order to help, the forum will need to know if you are working in SQL, (which version), or some other software. It almost sounds like you are using Crystal Reports, since you included 'crystal viewer' in your title.

    If you need to add fields to an existing crystal report, you need Crystal Reports, not the viewer. The viewer only allows "views" of data in a report format that has been created using Crystal Reports (of some version. Which version?)

    As a programmer / report developer, you need to understand the schema/relationships of the tables in the subject database. If you have that understanding, you can possibly find the tables that contain the data you need; find the keys that "relate" that data to the current data in the report. Then, using Crystal Reports ( or SSRS) you can "relate" the new data into the existing report. Then of course, you need to test, check the report format, align columns, etc. etc. All a part of good programming.

    If you DON'T have that understanding of the database, then you will need to spend some time, could be hours or days depending on the complexity of the database, to study the database, how it is constructed, how tables are related to other tables, what your "keys" are ( both primary and foreign....know what those are?). Get out the database manual and start using it as you review the database.

    Oh, and do your review on a TEST database, not the production database. Don't want your boss having fits over a lost database.

  • Hi, how are you doing?

    thank you for replying. let me give you detail information for what i know and do with our database. first of our software are VB6 and .NET applications based on sql server 2000 and 2005 databases. i am the one installing configuring our customer databases. i can't say that i am a database administrator but a sort of administrator any way,

    let me tell you what we do, let say there is a new customer and after we configure every thing and finally the software report should set up with the customer information. so, what we configure is

    - we put the crystal report codes c:\program files\common files\ crystal decision\ key\ we use developer edition and put the codes.

    - go regedit , front end customer ID = put number

    - finally we have a Global set up installer, and when we double click, automatically install the customer information.

    this is why i miss something and my boss said " you already know how to set up and complete the other and find out what are you missing" but i don't know how to do it. and this is why i am asking for help.


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