incremental load process

  • Hi there,

    I have prepared a staging table and am trying to 'populate' a transform table with the same data BUT at the same time allow an incremental extraction process from the staging table such that the additional record with address with 'gifford rd' comes into the transform table 1 day later. At the moment it is not inserting, attached is my code below , please let me know if there is anything wrong with it or something needed changing.


    use Craig


    --Set up a staging table

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[craigteststaging]') AND type in (N'U'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[craigteststaging]


    create table craigteststaging


    callid int not null,

    address varchar (30) not null


    --set up the transform table

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[craigtestdestinationtransform]') AND type in (N'U'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[craigtestdestinationtransform]


    create table craigtestdestinationtransform

    (callid int not null,

    address varchar (30) not null,

    DateFrom DateTime Not Null,

    DateTo DateTime Not Null


    declare @updatedate datetime

    set @updatedate= '2010-03-30'

    -- records provided for staging table

    insert craigteststaging (callid,address



    (1,'33 cliff rd' ),

    (2,'36 venue st' ),

    (4,'67 parnell rd' )

    --populate the transform table

    insert craigtestdestinationtransform (callid,[address],DateFrom,dateto


    select callid ,


    '2010-03-29' as datefrom ,

    '2099-12-31' as dateto

    from craigteststaging

    --on the day after today (30 march) we change 1 address with call id '4'

    insert craigteststaging (callid,[address]



    (4,'988 gifford rd' )

    --update date to to 30 march,2009 as want to get this record into transform table

    update craigtestdestinationtransform

    set DateTo= @updatedate

    from craigtestdestinationtransform t

    left join

    craigteststaging d on


    and t.DateTo= '2099-12-31'

    where d.[address] is null

    --insert the new row into transform table

    insert craigtestdestinationtransform (callid,[address],DateFrom,dateto )

    select z.callid,


    @updatedate as datefrom,

    '2099-12-31' as dateto


    craigtestdestinationtransform z

    right join craigteststaging d

    on z.callid=d. callid

    and z.DateTo= '2099-12-31'

    where z.[address] is null

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