update command

  • Employee table i have following reords

    Employeeid totalSalay

    1 0

    2 0

    3 0

    Employee salary table having following records

    Eployeeid month salary

    1 1 5000

    1 2 6000

    2 1 7000

    2 2 6500

    how can i update the employee table in a single update command ?

    the output should be

    Employeeid totalSalay

    1 11000

    2 13500

    how to achive this ?

    3 0

  • Assuming table names to be Employee and Salary.

    Update Employee set TotalSalary = (Select sum(Salary) from Salary where EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID)


    Update Employee set TotalSalary = a.TotalSalary

    from (Select EmployeeID, SUM(Salary) as TotalSalary from Salary group by EmployeeID)

    as a

    where a.EmployeeID = id

  • thank you

  • Please beware that a correlated subquery is an outer join.

    If you have a value in target table before, and the correlated subquery doesn't return any value, the target table value is replaced with NULL.

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • SwePeso is right and I should I mentioned this, the first example will put a null value in all the records that don't have rows for the same employee in the salary table. This code clearly shows it.

    Declare @Employee Table


    EmployeeID int,

    TotalSalary int


    Insert into @Employee values (1,0), (2,0), (3,0)

    Select * from @Employee

    Declare @Salary Table


    EmployeeID int,

    Month int,

    Salary int


    Insert into @Salary values (1,1,5000), (1,2,6000), (2,1,7000),(2,2,6500)


    SetTotalSalary =




    whereEmployeeID = [@Employee].EmployeeID)

    Select * from @Employee

    The result is:

    EmployeeID TotalSalary

    ----------- -----------

    1 11000

    2 13500

    3 NULL

    The second example however doesn't have this problem because it specifically updates only the row in Employee for which a record exists in the sub-query result.

    Declare @Employee Table


    EmployeeID int,

    TotalSalary int


    Insert into @Employee values (1,0), (2,0), (3,0)

    Select * from @Employee

    Declare @Salary Table


    EmployeeID int,

    Month int,

    Salary int


    Insert into @Salary values (1,1,5000), (1,2,6000), (2,1,7000),(2,2,6500)


    set TotalSalary = a.TotalSalary

    from (Select EmployeeID, SUM(Salary) as TotalSalary

    from @Salary group by EmployeeID)

    as a

    where a.EmployeeID = [@Employee].EmployeeID


    EmployeeID TotalSalary

    ----------- -----------

    1 0

    2 0

    3 0

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