performance problem with sql 2005 express ,vb6

  • Hi all

    I am develop an application with vb6 that work with sql2005 express.

    when the application work with the sqlExp ,I get bad performance.

    when i open the studio-Exp2005 and open new query page, and work with the application

    i have good performance

    any idea??



  • I would suspect your connection isolation level to be more intrusive than the one SSMSexp uses (read committed).

    What isolation level are you using ?


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  • hi

    this is my connection string

    connSTR="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=MYDB;Data Source=zibra1\SQLDB;user=xx;pasword=yy"


  • yacov-1006505

    Please check the database properties, using SSMS, and see if the Auto Close open is set to "YES" or "No".

    Do you measure performance in SSMS when you click the Execute command, and measure that against when your VB6 application has a command button clicked? Remember when using SSMS you have opened a connection to the server/db, and if your Auto Close option is set to "Yes" than your VB 6 application has to open the connection as well as execute the procedure and that alone could account for the difference in performance that you are reporting.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • hi

    Auto close is ture.

    when i work with the vb6 application and ssms-->new query on the db

    is open ,with out any commant in the query page. just open th query page.

    the vb6 application work very well.

    when i closed the query page

    then the vb6 application works very slow .

    at 5 times slower.

    this is the syptoms of the problem

    i did not know what the connection between the ssms and the performance of the application

    best regards and thank you



  • thenk you

    the problem was true

    i chenged to false and the problem was solved


  • yacov-1006505

    Thank you for your feed back ....

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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