Retreive Symbols in CDATA section TSQL

  • I have a comment section in my application. I pass xml doc to my procedure.

    I would like to store the CDATA section of my xml doc in a column without any conversion.

    declare @xml xml

    set @xml=



    <![CDATA[<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>]]>



    select @xml.query('data(/response/test)')

    Select @xml

    select cast(@xml.query('data(/response/test)') as varchar(124))

    above query will give

    <greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>

    is there way to preserve the special characters in xquery result..

    something like..

    <greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>


  • Please ignore message. I found the solution.

  • what was it? i got the same problem, thanks.[/url]

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