Exec Vs Sp_Executesql

  • Hi,

    I am finding weared behaviour on different servers I work with. All of them have same SP being called from front end to fetch data. SP is using sp_exeutesql and it takes only few seconds to be executed on two of the servers and takes 15 minutes on one server. If I change sp_executesql to exec on that server (where it takes 15 min) then it is faster. What could be the possible reasons and solutions for this?

    appriciate any help...

  • My initial thought is there is a bad query plan that is cached. The sp_* allows for better query plan re-use, the EXEC less so.

    You might look at DBCC FREEPROCCACHE and if you can find the plan handle that is causing the problem you can clear it. If not you might have to kill the whole proc cache. Which isn't as terrible as it sounds. All stored procedures that run after the proc cache is whacked will have to regenerate query plans, but only the first time. It adds a little time to each. But sometimes it is worth it..


  • well I already did dbccfreeproccache and it is still taking same time..

  • Was that server re-indexed/stats updated at the same time as the other servers, can you check? It could be that its stats and such are out of what and need a re-index..


  • I updated statistics as well as rebuilt the indexes for this table.

  • I am seeing the EXACT same issue.

    I ran a trace on our prod env and got the sql from there.

    it is using EXEC sp_executesql - I took the sql part out and ran it through mgmt studio.

    runs in 13 seconds.

    But if i run what I capture in the trace....AS IS - it just sits there for more than an hour.

    I did capture the execution plans..and the one from mgmt studio has hash match. The one through sp_executesql has only nestedloops.

    this guy had the same problem


    but microsoft closed the bug saying there was a problem with cardinality of case statement - I dont have case statements where this gets stuck...

    Any ideas?!!


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