• Hi,

    Can you help me out in updating such Foreign Key relationships. In one of my tables, i have a FK relationship refering to my primary key of the same table.

    The Table called MacMaster has following columns:

    MacID MacName ClusterID

    the ClusterID here is a foreign key referencing the MacID(PK) of the same table.

    MacID(identity column;PK) MacName ClusterID

    1 Mac1 2

    2 Mac2 NULL

    I was trying to load this table from an another table having following column

    MacName ClusterName

    Mac3 Mac4

    Mac4 NULL

    Mac5 NULL

    Kindly suggest me a method to load the above data to MacMaster Table.

    Finally my MacMaster table should have something like this:

    MacID MacName ClusterID

    1 Mac1 2

    2 Mac2 NULL

    3 Mac3 4

    4 Mac4 NULL

    5 Mac5 NULL

    Is this can be achieved through TSql or do i need to create a some kind of front end for it.Kindly Suggest
